Hi there,
So, a little over a week ago my account was silenced. The first time in 20 years of play.
The only reason I could think of as to why, was a minor argument I had in AV with a hunter who couldn’t kite! (he really couldn’t). 4 times this guy tried it and failed every time. He then questioned my ability to kite and I regretfully said ‘I was the main pulled in Naxx, AQ40, BWL’.
That of course backfired on me and a few of them started taking the mick out of me. But, it didn’t bother me.
AV finishes, I queue and go into another session. And of course, the hunter guy was in there. I said ‘oh f#s, same guy again’. He replies ‘the guy that was the main puller bla bla, I said’ the guy who bought his account’. Then placed him on ignore.
The next day I get randomly logged out, I logback in to find I can’t talk… My phone lights up with the blizzard email ‘account actioned, you’ve been silenced!’.
Now, obviously I know I probably upset him and he obviously got his friends to mass report me. But, for something so trivial?
I appealed it and asked ‘why?’.
The reply was ‘were upholding the silence and were not telling you why. Also, you can’t ask us to look at it again’… What?
Of course I sent another ticket, same reply.
So, I see on these forums that the blue posters can check it for me and let me know what I did wrong?
I don’t see myself as a bad player or person. And I’d like to learn from any mistakes I make.
That’s all.
Thanks for reading.