Account Silenced

Hi there,

So, a little over a week ago my account was silenced. The first time in 20 years of play.

The only reason I could think of as to why, was a minor argument I had in AV with a hunter who couldn’t kite! (he really couldn’t). 4 times this guy tried it and failed every time. He then questioned my ability to kite and I regretfully said ‘I was the main pulled in Naxx, AQ40, BWL’.

That of course backfired on me and a few of them started taking the mick out of me. But, it didn’t bother me.

AV finishes, I queue and go into another session. And of course, the hunter guy was in there. I said ‘oh f#s, same guy again’. He replies ‘the guy that was the main puller bla bla, I said’ the guy who bought his account’:joy:. Then placed him on ignore.

The next day I get randomly logged out, I logback in to find I can’t talk… My phone lights up with the blizzard email ‘account actioned, you’ve been silenced!’.

Now, obviously I know I probably upset him and he obviously got his friends to mass report me. But, for something so trivial?

I appealed it and asked ‘why?’.
The reply was ‘were upholding the silence and were not telling you why. Also, you can’t ask us to look at it again’… What? :joy:

Of course I sent another ticket, same reply.

So, I see on these forums that the blue posters can check it for me and let me know what I did wrong?

I don’t see myself as a bad player or person. And I’d like to learn from any mistakes I make.

That’s all.

Thanks for reading.

Hello Dragonfyr!

I am not sure where you may have saw this, as it is wildly incorrect :frowning:

Forums are not the place for this kind of requests, not only because we can’t check and provide such information in a public space, but also because any form of discussion of account penalties is against the Forum Code of Conduct:

Appealing the action via ticket was the correct way to go, but I have to also confirm that Game Masters are not obligated to share any detail about account penalties, regardless of the reason of the request :frowning:

I am really sorry if this is not the answer you were looking forward to Dragonfyr, but Forums are really not the place for this kind of discussion or request.

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Probably more of me getting the wrong impression, i do apologise.

Again, I am sorry. I’m not aware of all forum rules (there’s a lot of forums / sites out there with their own rules etc), but that does make sense.

I do wish that the game masters and/or the procedure was more forthcoming with information as I am literally sat here with no idea what it is a did wrong. I mean yea, the hunter thing, but I’m not sure that would meet the threshold for such action.

Thanks anyway for replying.
Enjoy the rest of your day :slight_smile: