My brothers account has been hacked and stolen, his email is changed how can he restore it. He was wisped by a character Blizzgame and he entered the hacker’s site.
He made a new account with new email but cant post on forums because he doesnt have a character. You can contact me and i can tell you his new and old emails or a way to contact him for help.
He needs to follow the steps here -
How can he restore his account with his email when it says “No blizzard account ascosiated with this email were found” its already been changed.
I think there is possibility to recover lost account if your brother can provide scan of real id to customer support.
Use link provided by Ananda, click submit a ticket in step 2 then the rest is your choice.
Hey Abracadavre (love the name!),
Ananda’s reply contains the correct information here, and as Decayin has suggested your brother can pick “I don’t know my Blizzard email” to contact us. Logging in to an account is not required to submit a ticket to us, but as it says we may need some additional account verification from the account owner in these cases.
He made a ticket without logging in but how can he follow that ticket? He should expect email and/or phone contact?
Did he leave any contant e-mail adress? because i believe it is necessary.
The issue has been resolved last night. Thanks for everyone that replied.