Starting a new thread on this, since the old one is actually inactive.
I would really like to see account wide essences as do more people i have spoken to lately.
Shadowlands is coming up and turning out to be the most alt-friendly expansion ever with better leveling systems and the covenants.
BFA on the other hand:
Leveling / HoA stuff is something i can easily deal with.
The things i really struggle with is actually swapping classes because i lack the essences i might need to play a certain specc (yes it can be done without but it introduces some handicaps) for M+ / raiding / pvp and other content all together.
I would really like to see that essence upgrades are actually account wide with just 1 exception:
You have to make sure you unlock rank 1 on your character. Yes this means you still have to do some work but i am okay with that.
The current system of regrinding reputation / honor / and even Eternal Palace clears is downright annoying and really badly designed.
I dont want to spend a massive amount of time on alts to unlock the same essences i already unlocked on my main character or any other character.
This makes swapping to alts for me not a nice thing to do and even downright annoys me.
I know there are a lot of people out there that think the same, so please consider changing this feature in 8.3.
Also because after 8.3, Shadowlands is basically the next major content (except pre-patch) coming up, rendering the HoA / Essences obsolete.
Please consider above request or make another system for it, because currently it isnt working out to be very friendly towards alts or increasing the enjoyment of the game.
Suggestion for another system: Introduce a currency gained from multiple sources like the Legion Legendary currency and implement that with 8.3 to make Essences obtainable through other means of content.
Thanks in advance.
A disgruntled essence farmer.