Account-Wide titles

can you please, please, please make titles account wide?? I’ve achieved some of my all time fav titles in classic (Immortal and Obsidan Slayer) and i dont see why these titles cant be account wide? as for many other titles ofc, it just makes it a hazzle for me personally when i need to switch chars. Making me loosing interest. Call me dumb or whatever u want for my opinion. But please, I cant see the problem


Personally I don’t care about titles and never show them. But it is weird that some are accountwide and some are not.

Absolutely nothing should be account-wide, is one of the real big let-downs of Wrath/Cata.

Partially agree - some nonsense titles, unrelated to gameplay (Explorer, Loremaster etc.) can be acc wide for all I care (though it’s funny seeing a lvl 5 Loremaster), but the gameplay (dungeon, raid, pvp) titles should be locked down to the char that earned them.

That being said, now that a part of those “gameplay” titles is acc wide, it doesn’t make much sense to not include them all…

Why is accountwide titles sucha big red flag for you?
Was it not you who got it? Or did the character play by himself ?

so even if you got it on a mage, but you rerolled to a warlock, did you get it somehow become invalidated ?

This is sucha weid take.

No, is not weird.
My main did it, not my bank alt!
I love every character to start fresh. If s/he already got Explorer, Salty, ect. on create, is only half so fun do over all the stuff. I delete all alts prior to patch with accountwide stuff :cry: So now have only main and one bank in Cata - never played.

and if anything I want opposite of this:

Let fun titles be per character, and those that be asked for in group be accountwide - is this not why account wide made first time round?

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I finally got some time from Cataclysm Classic raiding and dived into MoP Remix 8 days ago. I am glad that my Remix alts can have titles and Pandaren phoenixes (Challenge mode silver all 4 colors) mounts I earned back in 2012-2014 feel myself fully immersed in nostalgy because of this.

I am also glad that challenge mode gold armor sets are not available in Remix, have warrior, DK, rogue, shaman and hunter sets in Retail and want to get remaining 6 once MoP Classic hits or even maybe get 5 I have in other specs.

I do not understand - I not play Retail. One thing: I would be not happy if made a new alt for some xpac and he had then all mounts and titles and so on from former.
I would like it to be up to you if want or not - same as SF mode in HC.

So they “solved” this problem in one of the expansions where your alt only got the titles at the relevant level. I also would like titles to be account wide, but with that restriction. So you only get the titles when you get to the right level.

Levels is not problem - having titles on character NOT earned title is.

Perhaps it is. But…
For me, two characters aren’t the same, even if the person behind them is. If we limit ourselves to classic (and also disregard buying a group to carry you to a title)…when WotLK was up and I saw someone with, let’s say, Herald of the Titans, I knew the player was good himself and that he was good with the class. Same went for other titles, Herald was just the first that came to my mind. Same would now go for Dragonslayer or other top tier raiding titles (not overstating their value, but the fact is they are top tier at this phase).
Now let’s imagine that someone reached the title on some caster, mage for example, but for whatever reason (like guild needs or anything) he rerolled tank. Now I see a gamer who earned somewhat difficult title and I know the gamer is good - which is a good thing to know, sure, but doesn’t say if he’s got the current char’s PoV down or not - and the PoV of a tank is vastly different to a PoV of a caster. The title now only says that the person is definitely capable of learning what he needs, but not if he’s actually good with the char…which is what I think my title should say to others. Sure, there are other ways to check his performance, but account wide titles limit what I might find out from them ingame.

That’s why I would expect the non-gameplay titles to be account wide, but the ones requiring you to invest anything above a certain amount of time (aka ones that require at least some measure of skill) should be limited to char.

I say again, though, that given the current situation, everything should go account-wide.

In Cata is OK with Account Wide., But in Wrath was REAL bad! It spoil so much fun … as I not play Cata I not care there - but if ever Wrath Era made I’ll fight beak and teeth for character bound Achievement all way there!

I see your point, but I disagree - is not fun have all the fun ach already when malke alt. ANd for the skill ones the achievements made account-bound because to go in group for something you need achievement, people got tired of log in other toon to show off Ach for sometihing to be allowed in. Noone cared you were now caster, not tank :wink:

Forms test 1

So killing the boss, according to you, has nothing to do with overcoming the contents challenge, but how well he performs on that specific role/class ?

Why would someone who managed to kill a boss as dps, not able to do it as tank?
I’d argue Tank is the easiest role ever implemented in the history of gaming.

But regardless it was the player who overcame the challenge. And if he is THAT good as a mage, hes most likely just as good to complete the challenge with other roles or classes. Given enough time to learn the class.

I’ve never looked at an achievement for killing a boss on heroic, mythic or whatever ,as “damn hes a good mage.” But more like “damn hes a good player.”

It’s kinda irrelevant what class you did it on, the challenge was the boss, not the class.

Hard to make such a categorical statement, but for a large part, and in my opinion, definitely more than 50 %, yes. You said it yourself btw.:

That’s pretty much what I stated before - seeing a title on him, I can know instantly that the person behind the char is a good gamer and definitely able to perform - but I do not have a quick way to determine if he is able to perform on certain level on the character he’s on.

I’m not getting into a debate about what PoV is easy or difficult, such a debate seems ludicrous to me. But yes, I think that when NOT given enough time to learn the class, to use your phrase, it is possible that the gamer wouldn’t be able to perform on a character. That doesn’t necessarily mean the player is bad, it might just mean he’s not far enough on the learning curve…but yes, I belive the character is important.

So no, I don’t agree with you in the fundamental of what you said - that “the challenge was the boss, not the class,” because the way I see it, there are three parts to the equation, not two - boss, class and a gamer.
The challenge is the boss - agreed. But you need to separate the class (character) from the person behind it…and while the gamer can be good, he needs to be good with the class.

The challenge is the boss (1), but you (2) use the class (3) to overcome it…and if you are a good gamer on tank, but not that skilled as a caster, what good does it do if you killed it as tank? That’s why I think the character is important and possibly even more so than the boss mechanics themselves.

I think your view on it is very very weird.
Doub’t we’ll agree. Overcoming the challenge, defeating the content, that is the achievement. What class or role you managed to do this on is irrelevant.

Well no, class is not relevant. I’ll give you the role is relevant to a certain degree.
What differs killing Nefarian for example, on a hunter, a mage or a warlock ?
Nothing. What differs from a holy pala, disc or resto druid on that fight? Nothing.
Does it differ from a mage to a prot pala? Sure, one dps the boss, one will kite the adds or tank the boss. But it’s all mechanics.

If you know the mechanics, you can do the boss on any class or any role. Because we’re not talking about being top of the parser, number one on dps, the biggest & baddest. It’s about overcoming a challenging boss.

Blizz agreed at some point later with bringing the player not the class. Which is 100% true.

But ye as i mentioned, i do not think we’ll agree so you can reply if you want, i’ll read it. But not much more discussion after it.

Assuming what you say is true, whats your stance related to pvp titles?

Yeah, at this point, we can just agree to disagree. And that’s fine by me - I’m not trying to convince you, just as, I assume, you’re not trying to convince me…concluding that we just don’t see eye to eye isn’t a bad outcome.

This is where we differ. Yes, in my opinion, the class is very relevant, pure and simple.

Not saying the point of view is wrong - I see it as a possible one, though I wouldn’t go as far as calling the others wrong either (not implying you did). I liked the need to have different specs for different buffs and I do like the Cata state, where it’s not very difficult to get the buffs (strict class roster for 10m, very lenient for 25m)…but that’s just me.
What you said yourself, though, and what sort of undermines your whole argument…you stated that “Blizz agreed at some point later” - aka not now in Cata, though the path has already been set. As of now, though, the “bring the player, not the class” isn’t as far as to declare classes irrelevant - which is what you say yourself by admitting it happened later. Hence, as of now, class is indeed important.

Yes, I agree the role is more important - it changes the PoV of the whole fight. What I strongly disagree with though:

A damn lot it differs.
My main is BDK, so if I stick to my role (when I have time for alt, it’s protadin anyway)…after around 15 years of DK experience, I play the class automatically - I don’t have to think where is which of my CDs, what CD is required by what situation etc. etc., but when I raid on my prot pala…despite having the mechanics down quite well and playing on a reasonable level (even if I say so myself, both parts), the general level of my game is nowhere near where it is on the DK.
And personally, I think most people have it that way - sure, there are those that play alt on the same lvl as they do their main, but mostly, there is a step down in the quality of gaming.

The fact that someone is an excellent hpala doesn’t make him an excellent disco, nor a rdruid, nor any other healer. Same goes for DPS. Yes, knowing the mechanics helps even when swapping roles. Yes, sticking with a role when swapping class also makes it easier.

But stating that class isn’t relevant and an excellent gamer on one class is automatically an excellent gamer on another…no, we won’t agree on that. We do agree that an excellent gamer on one class definitely has potential to be one on another too. But that potential has to be reached, it doesn’t come automatically.

Likewise - I’ll gladly read any reply, if you feel like making one. And I’m always up for more discussion, providing we don’t repeat what has been said before (which we’re not so far). But no, we won’t agree on this.

Enjoy your evening :slight_smile:

said no one ever :grin:

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A respectable discussion here is a rare sight :smiley: . But sure i’m down.
As you say aswell, we won’t agree, but can be interesting to share viewpoints.

I can say though straight up, any class specific titles should always be on that class character. So if you get Black Harvester on a warlock, ye no Mage or druid or warr should be able to attain it. But if you do make a new warlock it should have it.

Which actually opens a interesting question, you oppose account wide ach/titles.
What if in this scenario i cleared Yogg saron 0 defenders ahead of curve with my mage, i then make a new mage, should he get the title?

Also i saw

But I have not given this as much time to think about. Could also be comparable with mage tower.

Not sure this undermines my argument. I think account wide title should have been from Vanilla and onwards. Although i’m not sure theres many titles back then besides pvp, but you get my point.

Titles were shared to some degree in Cata OG aswell. Not all, as we see now to. Like pvp titles, certain boss kill titles, the one you could buy from Isle of quel danas, are not shareable.

This was something that blizzard adapted when they noticed people complaining when they rerolled etc, that THEY achieved it, not the class. Blizzard agreed and changed it.

The game was in general very alt unfriendly, regardless of shared ach/titles. It took blizzard time, multiple expans to make it more and more alt friendly. Even now they’re still working on making the game more alt friendly in retail, after like what, 10 expans.
This was part of that process.

Thats atleast something we agree on :smiley:

Sure you’ll be “better” on the Dk. But you mean when you went on your prot pala, you were unable to clear the same content ? Regardless if it had the same gear ?
The fundamentals are there, you know you need to pop cds on certain spells, avoid things, move boss/Adds etc. And not being nowhere near the level doesn’t mean not being on the level to clear the content.

Does this mean not being on the level to clear the content or just not parsing high ?
I think the discussion needs to stay within the realm of can you be as good enough to clear the content. Because overcoming the challenge is the goal with the class.

I might be repeating myself here, but does one need to be “excellent” to perform well enough to clear the content, overcoming the challenge? Like killing Lich King 10man with 30% debuff. Or on 25man heroic.

I’m fairly certain if you can kill Lich King 25man heroic with a hpala, you’ll do it with any other healer.

It’s the phrasing here I do not agree with me ever saying that you’ll be “excellent.”