Achievement criteria notification gone missing?

I remember back in the days when I’m working on an achievement which has some criteria completion, whenever I’ve completed one criteria it shows a popup notification on screen, something similar to that of which you get when you complete an achievement but a little smaller/darker, not as bright.

But now I can’t see it, maybe its a Cvar or an option that I can’t find…can somebody help me find that option to put it back on? Thanks.

Then again maybe its an addon that I’ve deleted…hopefully its not

Definitely an addon.

which one?

By default, only a small amount of achievements seem to do that. Generally it’s the major ones related to the story/campaigns and exploration events. For example you’ll get that popup each time you meet a criteria in a meta for completing a stage in a storyline/campaign achievement but you don’t get them for getting criteria in the treasure ones.

If you were getting them for every achievement, then as Elvenbane said, it would of been an addon. But i’ve no idea which one.

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