Achievement for BFA Pet Battles... bugged?

I did 4 Battles for a trainer that was active for a WQ yesterday, the pets were ALL 25 as the achiv demands but only the first one was counted the others I tried for all elemental, All undead… was not counted even after winning… some took me 3-4 tries till RNG did not kick me in the gut…

I thought the trainers were made "battleble " the whole time to help with the achivement… but it seems it does not work and does not count :frowning:

Anyone who can shed a light to what is now correct ? I mean it does not make sense to be able to battle them several times if only the battle that counts for the WQ is actually permitted for the achivement?

The trainers are repeatedly battleable to get the achievement. I did mine by running through each family on each tamer in one session, and it worked fine for me.

So something else must be wrong.

These were Family battles you were trying, I preseume from your mention of “all elemental, all undead”?

Can you give us more details? Which tamer? which family? which pets?

It was “Grady Prett” PAckleader WQ he was active yesterday but only the first fight was counted … :frowning: made extra sure to have only 25s in my combo… Waisted at least an hour… even completely relogging did nothing to change the outcome :frowning:

I guess I go back to do the stupid trainers once on each char instead of several battles on one … even though I thought it was possible now aft er the changes they made a while ago… was the first time I ever tried it…

good thing I have an army of alts…

I think I first did Mechanic (that worked, did the wq), after Elemental , Undead , cannot recall the 4th one beast maybe…

Looking at your armoury (hollow laugh at the thought of relying on that for current information) it shows a Family victory against Grady Prett only for Mechanical.

I’m sure it’s not bugged - at least in general - because on the Discord we see people going through it all the time, and we would have heard complaints from someone.

The Falcosaur battles were bugged somwhat, I’m quite sure, in Legion, because not only could I see them fail myself but we had lots of reports from other people. But none for the Family battles in BfA, except you.

Would you like me to meet you and help verify everything? If I can find a condition that fails, it would certainly help with getting it addressed.

P.S. Are you using Family Familiar Helper addon?

Very handy for keeping track.

I think I will just try again and see what happens and take more heed to what pets I use…

On occations I forgot to use max level pets, butI learned my lesson, I do not do that anymore.

The Character sheet only shows the character’s progression :confused: but yeah it only worked for the first battle after that all was for naught.

I’ll try to experiment a bit…

OK. Here’s one other tip, if you want to prove your case.

Install the addon Pet Battle Log Keeper.

Do the battle.

At the end of the battle, type the command


into chat, and click the Save Battle button.

That preserves your log of the battle. If you find a case where you think you should hav got credit but didn’t, post your log here, or take it to the Discord. There are lots of well-informed people who will be happy to have a look!

will do thanks

and yeah I do use
Family Familiar Helper addon to keep track of which I have already done :slight_smile:

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