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Zandalari Trolls and Kul Tiran Allied Races Won’t Unlock Until Patch 8.1.5

It’s not like I was going to play horde anyway or was any excited about new AR, but I feel a little bit upset for ppl, who actually wait since 8.0. How is it going gooys?

The people who never bothered to invest learning how allied races work

8.1.5 is late admittedly but people who expected them at launch simply assumed that was going to be the case and got mad their assumptions were wrong
8.1 wouldve been better but personally I wouldnt be suprised if that was the actual goal but Azerite being a mess put it off for longer

They were never promised at launch, in fact Blizzard always said the races wouldn’t unlock till after the first raid tier, at the very earliest as we had to ‘earn their trust’ first. Whoever thought otherwise was simply poorly informed or in denial…

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