Action bar hotkey text

I’m trying to get out of the custom UI scene and start using mostly default UI. I do have a question about the hotkey text on your action bar. Is there any way of shortening down the text?

Right now it just tries to show “Num key 1” which leaves all the buttons looking like “Nu…” instead of just showing N1.

You can use the following Lua code to create a lightweight addon that just replaces the hotkey text:

function updateHotkeyText()
	local ActionBars = {'Action','MultiBarBottomLeft','MultiBarBottomRight','MultiBarRight','MultiBarLeft'}
	--iterate the different actionbars
	for _, barName in pairs(ActionBars) do
		--iterate the individual actionbar buttons (12 each)
		for i = 1, 12 do
			local button = _G[barName .. 'Button' .. i]
			local hotkey = button['HotKey']
			local text = hotkey:GetText()
			if text ~= nil then
				text = string.gsub(text, "(s%-)", "S")
				text = string.gsub(text, "(a%-)", "A")
				text = string.gsub(text, "(c%-)", "C")
				--Left Mouse Button
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_BUTTON1, "LM")
				--Right Mouse Button
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_BUTTON2, "RM")
				--Middle Mouse Button
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_BUTTON3, "MM")
				--Mouse Extra Button 1
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_BUTTON4, "M4")
				--Mouse Extra Button 2
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_BUTTON5, "M5")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_MOUSEWHEELDOWN, "MWD")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_MOUSEWHEELUP, "MWU")
				--Special Keys
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_PAGEUP, "PU")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_PAGEDOWN, "PD")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_SPACE, "SpB")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_INSERT, "Ins")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_HOME, "Hm")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_DELETE, "Del")
				text = string.gsub(text, "Num Pad %.", "N.")
				text = string.gsub(text, "Num Pad %/", "N/")
				text = string.gsub(text, "Num Pad %-", "N-")
				text = string.gsub(text, "Num Pad %*", "N*")
				text = string.gsub(text, "Num Pad %+", "N+")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMLOCK, "NL")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMPAD0, "N0")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMPAD1, "N1")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMPAD2, "N2")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMPAD3, "N3")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMPAD4, "N4")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMPAD5, "N5")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMPAD6, "N6")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMPAD7, "N7")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMPAD8, "N8")
				text = string.gsub(text, KEY_NUMPAD9, "N9")
				if hotkey:GetText() == RANGE_INDICATOR then

local function OnEvent(self, event, isInitialLogin, isReloadingUi)

local f = CreateFrame("Frame")
f:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)

Find the Hotkey for which you want to change the hotkey text and replace the Display Text with whatever you like.

Lines with hotkeys you don’t want to change, can be safely removed.

Once you’re done mark all the code (Ctrl+A) and copy it (Ctrl+C).

Now head over to (a site to convert Lua code into a lightweight addon)

Paste the code (Ctrl+V) and give your AddOn a fitting name.

Press Download and save and install the Addon like you would with any other Addon from Curse.


If you want to make changes to the hotkey text later, you can just edit the core.lua file in the Addons main directory (World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\<YourAddonName>\core.lua).

If you have any questions regarding the code, feel free to let me know.


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