Action Targeting Not Woking Anymore

Hey all,

Been having a weird issue that I can’t figure out. I use Action Targeting on my hunter. And for the past couple days its not worked at all, and this happened while I was setting up lots of macros. I have done everything from doing a full UI reset, uninstalling all add-ons. Uninstalling the game and deleting all files. But still, on my hunter only, action targeting is not working. All my other toons, action targeting works fine. Anyone else had this happen before? Any solutions?

Any help would be very welcome. Thanks!

Turn it off and on again? Action Targeting is all CVar controlled so resetting your UI won’t fix it.
However, doing a /console cvar_default to reset all your CVars and then re-enabling it might BUT THERE IS NO WAY TO REVERSE THIS!

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Thank you so very much! That cvar default worked! Thank you thank you!

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