Activision kill Blizzard? Or what?

Hello. Why did you stop hearing players? You ignore technical issues WPvP 40x40+ lags and ppl disconect ? The topic has been unanswered for 6 months, and it is in 3rd place in the top of the “technical support” section of problems for all the time. The problem itself is not one year old. There are still topics where you write banal formal replies. But the problem is you! In the topic a lot of video that proves it. People stop playing because of this, you lose players! Soon I will add to the topic a new video of Wintergrasp, you will see this shame, the shame of Blizzard, add content in which everything lags, everyone lags. Why did they fix the problem in the US region, but we don’t?
What can you say dear Blizzard?

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“Don’t play because another ten players will fill your place any way?”

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The reason WoW is in the mess is because Blizzard listened too much to the players, and lost track of what they wanted.


What does activision have to do with this?

They’ve owned the damn company for more than a decade.

Sure, the game has problems but I don’t get the need for the “Activision waaaaaaaaaa” angle, its pathetic.


We know Activision has bad influence on Blizzard. See for example kotaku(dot)com/the-past-present-and-future-of-diablo-1830593195

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