I hope in new expansions we going to see Adal in action he been sitting in Shattrah city for 20 years now - i mean i hope outland get remastered to.
maybe rebuild city and outland with help of druids and shamans be restored a bit/healed up.
I hope in new expansions we going to see Adal in action he been sitting in Shattrah city for 20 years now - i mean i hope outland get remastered to.
maybe rebuild city and outland with help of druids and shamans be restored a bit/healed up.
That would be cool.
But I do think that if A’dal is going to get a role it’ll be in Midnight and the Thalassian zones, maybe along the Scryers too!
Would be nice to see Voren’thal the Seer again too!
it all depends on blizz as they seem to drop this zone and thats it but slightly rejuvenated areas would be nice especially like black temple still look gloomy or so but restored - and zone also more plants etc or something that feeds on fel
I would rather have a mega dungeon where a giant void monster comes and rip outland to shreds and eats it, and in the dungeon we fight and try to save the inhabitans of outland and get them to the portal, to save them…
Then we face off the giant void god at the end at the steps of the portal, lose and outland is devovoured and we jump through the portal as it blows up to stop it coming to our world.
And now you can only enter outland in the caverns of time.
lol thats more like something from kids novelty xD
we need something like rejuvenated lands there and remastered more plants and more quests, live events like in every older zone in wow
Nah bro
it is a fitting end to the outland story.
it is a way to move forward.
Outland is done, completed, if it gets eaten or destroyed there is no need to spend more time on it asking " whats outland like these days" and we dont have to spend resources updating it.
but it is only what you think, you cant force rest of the players what you think, Personally my guild, our allied guilds and my friends we think outland could serve its purpose in future expansions on restoring it - bringing some elementals - chosen by elemental lords maybe transporting somehow nature spirits also there and quest to restore - and then give people two versions like with the time dragon lady in silithus and undercity where you can visit each play of your choosing.
just because singular person wants something cannot be and should not be decided by - blizzard could give us option to vote - your vote for your self of course and so will i for me.
well, I am pretty sure it couldnt, as it is confirmed in lore that outland is still breaking apart, a broken place that is doomed to disintegrate away and float into space as dust.
show it to me pls where it is said like that? that rejuvenetion cannot happen that blizzard said no we will never do it…
you know its story and it can everything happen ? l
First it would be the Saurfang cinematic, where he goes to Nagrand, Where the grain just smolder away, and they outright say that the world is wrong and breaking.
Cinematic: “Safe Haven”
In WoD
Archmage Vargoth mentioned that the current state of Outland was constantly degrading
In Legion.
Nikki the Gossip described Outland as a dangerous place.
Not to speak of that when we first went to outland it had not been that long ago since the world shattered, and alot of the quests there described it as a dying world.
it has no atmosphare.
it will lose all its water.
it is breaking apart.
it has no sun.
The places that seems the safest are the Bio-domes, and I think it was mentiond somewhere, though I cant find it now that there were more bio-domes being built to try to save some of the world.
Did not Valen say something about it not being a suitable home anymore too?
One would think that the Draenei might want to return to their home of Dreanor, but they don’t, they don’t return to their cities in outland, they build a new home.
Sure, Rejuvenation is always “possible”.
It is blizzard writing the story, so for all we know they could write that with the power of love and friendship, Sargeras floats through space and gently hug all the broken pieces and remake the planet, and becomes the sun for the newly reforged outland as he burns so hot from love and hope <3
I mean, anything can always happen in the story, after all, somehow, Palpatine returned.
I just think (and yes, you are right, it is my personal opinion) that Outland deserves a dignified end of awesomeness and badassness in its final moments as we save the things that are still important on outland… Its people…
Also that would bring the Arrakoa, more Ogres, more Broken and the Sporeggars into our world, and I love them guys <3
thats what they say in game in “their” opinion as npc - you know quite often thats a filler not 100% lore acurate ?
besides why would we want iconic area to dissapear ? to be gone ? iconic from Warcraft 3 and TBC expansion we return there for many quests especially legion expac related.
it is time for change - time to have outland remastered and rejuvenated life flowing to it for saving it.
my way i see - some event happen - maybe Elune related : elementals and nature spirits enter outland and start remaking it for better with help of druids and shamans.
maybe even mages help transport some lost animals from WoD to outland to repopulate it.
I would tend to agree, but the cinematic is lore accurate, and it shows everything in the world breaking apart, from the rocks, dirt, home and grain. All is turning to dust.
Titanic was an iconic ship, yet it sunk. I am not sad things that are lost, for we could always remember. And it also ends one of the many story threads we have.
I do not want outland to disapear cus i hate it or dont like it… I want a place that i like go out in a blaze of glory, rather than be forgotten and left how it is now, forever.
Also, if outland was fixed, why would not the orcs and draenei just leave our world and go back home? Now there would be two worlds. Less conflict.
WoD too, is a lost world to us in lore, and is also getting destroyed by the light forged.
Warlords dreanor is not a place that is “open” to us in lore. WOD could also be moved to the caverns of time, for gameplay purposes.
i have no idea what is your point to come and argue in my topic by in safe haven just because the , grain fall apart as natural thing if you never seen a grain and held it in hand you wouldnt know apart on cinemtatic.
plus Saurfang mention its wrong and falling appart as it did because it was destroyed thanks to Gul’dan - but he you it to talk to thral about horde to convince him that he dont need to be there …that he need to see “His” horde is falling apart - please if you cant talk it out of context don’t reply anymore as my brain bleeds reading your arguments for the sake of argument.
grain fall apart as natural thing if you never seen a grain and held it in hand you wouldnt know apart on cinemtatic.
The grain dont just fall apart cus he grabs it, it disintigrate and float away, it is unstable and unnatural. It turns to dust in his hands.
i have no idea what is your point to come and argue in my topic
Cus i love talking about my favorite game, even with people i dont agree with.
And i think it is fun to see what other people think and discuss ideas and opinions
please if you cant talk it out of context don’t reply anymore as my brain bleeds reading your arguments for the sake of argument.
Now, that is just rude, and here i thought we were just having friendly talks about lore.
To sum up my point with both an in lore reason and a economical reason why I think outland should be detroyed, and we can move on.
Lore reasons:
It is a broken world.
Animal life is dying
The water is evaporating
The landmasses are unstabe
It is still breaking apart
There is no sun.
Practical reasons:
Time and money.
Updating continents takes alot of money to keep relevant, and after every expansion we get a new dead and forgotten continent.
Outland, northrand, pandaria, broken isle, kul tiras, zandalar, argus, Dreanor, the shadowlands… all of them is forgotten and do not see updates.
Having outland eaten by a giant space monster in a mega dungeon would remove all the questions “hmm i wonder what is going on in outland now, 20 yeara after we were there”.
So there is no need to spend time and resources on it.