Adapt - Horde - 8/8 hc 3/8m

The actual raid starts at 8, the invites at 19.30 - and if you get in at 18.30 you should be gucci =)

Well 8 server is 7 here for us so that’d give us around 30 mins to sort out stuff out I’ll send you a message in-game either tonight or tomorrow after work if that’s okay

Hi there. Is it possible to join you guys as a social while i am still leveling?

Hello there. Was wondering what you guys are looking for right now. Me and my friends are looking for a guild after transfering over to Kazzak from ally. We are a group of 4 (DPS Warrior, Boomkin, Havoc DH and Shadow / Holy Priest). We all have experience in mythic in various tiers. We are looking for a chill guild to have fun with and kick some bosses’ asses.

Regji - That sounds interesting. I would love to hear more from you though, mind adding me ingame? iavo#2200

bump - still after mage - spriest - ele shaman - resto shaman - balance druid - disc priest(Not everything but so you get an idea)

bump- still in need of those casters !

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