Add Chaos orbs to Justice Points/Valor Points vendor

As the title says ^^^^^^
Done dozens of heroic dungeons and still haven’t won a single Chaos Orb.

Better yet, implement a system which will only allow those with professions max to 525, and capable of even using them (so mining wouldn’t count) to roll need or greed. People just think they’re the Frozen Orbs of CATA and don’t realize they can’t trade them or even vender them, all that is happening is people are inadvertently making crafted items more expensive because those who can make stuff aren’t getting the orbs


That’d be stupid.
So you mean im 524, but I can’t get a chaos orb?
Even yet 520, 515 or whatever.
That would mean for like a week, only the sweatiest of players would get a monopoly on all chaos orbs, or those who took days off. Just F everyone else xd.

Your idea would work if it required a crafting profession to get them that uses them.
Like Alchemy afaik do not use chaos orb, so if you have mining/herb/alchemy etcetc, you cannot roll on them.

Yes this is exactly how it should work. The Chaos Orbs are effectively useless for those that don’t have the profession that makes use of them. I feel like setting a requirement for rolling Need to about… 10 points below the first recipe that uses them would ensure that the Orbs go to crafters that can and will use them. I pass on them since my Professions don’t make use if them but I’ve seen literally everyone rolling need and I’m not sure if even half of them had required professions to make use of them.

But a prof that has 500, 510,515,520 etcetc, can still use them eventually.
It’s not like a 500 Blacksmith, will never use chaos orbs.

I agree that you should require a craftable prof that can use them, but not that you MUST have the recipe or must have enough skill.
If we’d implement a “required skill” amount, i’d say 425 as lowest.

I’d bet majority of people who need , uses them. I think people who claim the opposite, probably just wants something to blame on that they’re not getting them. Like a scapegoat. Even with our restrictions implemented, 9/10 dungs you’d have 5 people rolling.

Fair. Apparently in Early Cata they were only on Need if you had at least 425 in Engineering/Tailoring/Blacksmith/Leatherworking. They were made tradable in 4.3 which means we have interesting mix since they’re BoP still but can be rolled by anyone.

And I lost a pre-bis dps trinket to a healer. Life’s a beach.

I’d approve of this. That makes alot of sense.
Even if you have craftable profs, if you’ve made all you intend to make or don’t care to make those recipes, they can be passed on aswell. They’re not used as much as people need for sure.

Maybe people think it can be used as a currency like in wotlk ?

Or make them BOE…
Blizzard needs to do something, So far today I’ve done another 6 heroics AND I STILL HAVE NONE.

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