Add faction player count cap to shards to balance world pvp

World pvp is unbalanced and alliance dominated for 6 years since bfa launch, problem is caused by more players in shard dominating the other obviously.

so lets say a map can hold 100 ppl in 1 shard (numbers are random)
if there are 80 alliance in shard only 20 horde can enter and shard will get locked and game will create a fresh shard that will hold another 100 but that locked shard will be unbalanced mess for that 20 horde, or for the ones that will join that shard when someone leave there and a spot opens to fill 100 again.

BUT if we add lets say only 50 alliance and 50 horde can be in 1 shard this will balance everything out in a 100 player limit shard, when 50 alliance join and there is only lets say 35 horde shard will stay until 15 more horde join etc…

with this way world pvp can be saved.

Just add faction player count cap.

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War mode is now only for alliance.

The only thing we can do about it is to send feedback to America. I’ve been doing it for a long time, but nothing has changed. I don’t think they care.

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