Add group finder

Maybe now is a good time to add the group finder, with the group finder we will enjoy the pve content more its all positive


There is an addon called LFG bulletin board .
It makes a list of every lfg lfm texts and sorts them. You don’t need more than that

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A lot of people don’t have that addon. Better to implement it proper. (assuming their are talking about something like in WoW Classic WotLK and not the automated one).

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Just socialize more, this is classic.

I agree add in Dungeon Finder. socializing with this community is horrible later into the game you get. 1st phase wasn’t to bad but its quickly turned into needing high GS to get into anything. Also downloading Addons is far to annoying when blizz has a better version

I agree add in Dungeon Finder

At this point they should just do it. Along with rad finder if they want to save this. I can hardly see the negative. Just make it serverwide so that we keep a bit of responsibility feeling in regards to ninjaing / other toxic behaviour.

Most players are tryhards anyway and speedrunners can still dungeon or raid as a guild if they do not like finders.

There’s a reason why modern mmo’s are terrible. Because they are pretty much single player games completely void of communication with other players until you press a button that teleports you to a random dungeon you know nothing about or even what zone it’s in. You then do the dungeon in complete silence and if you wipe once people just leave and que again because it’s just one click away.

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