Add more rewards for PVP [Emergency]

I’m passionated about wow and specifically the classic version. I want to try to improve it.
But… what’s the logic behind removing rewards from an already low-participation aspect of the game?

You should add titles and mounts for 2v2 and 5v5 arenas. Additionally, double the number of people who can achieve Rank 1, Gladiator, and Hero of the Horde/Alliance.

WoW is an extremely elitist game with many players who have 10+ years of experience, yet the number of available spots for these achievements is incredibly low.

These are simple fixes, and I don’t see how anyone could oppose them. Increasing the rewards can only lead to more participation.

Other upgrades that might be a bit more complicated:

  1. Enhance the group finder tool by creating a proper PvP section for arena and RBG, where you can see specs and fully formed groups, so they don’t get stuck in the queue.
  2. Add dampening to 2v2 arenas.
  3. Buff a few underperforming specs, such as Restoration Druid and Elemental Shaman.

That would make us so happy.

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