Add new playable races

  • Arathi ( human ancestors )

  • Valarjar

  • the ppl living in Nazjatar

  • mixed =

for example Turalyon + Alleria making Arathor hybrid

for example Master Shaw + Valeera finally together making mixed baby

in WoW comic book , there is a kid who has Draeinei + Orc parents

First fix the classes and put an end to borrowed power.


Of all the possible new races, must say that the alternatives you give seem rather weird.

And this:

Will probably never come to pass given the recent lore clarified Shaw is gay.


these are just variatons of human though.

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I’d rather they focus on giving more depth, backstory and development to the existing races we have. It’s already too diluted and there is a limit to how much screen time they can give each one introduced as a playable race.

Part of the problem is that there’s been a gradual shift in focus over the course of the last few xpacs on a few prominent NPC figures to carry the main story.
In my opinion, it’s taking too much of the attention away from the background details of the races we play other than those that are a focus of that particular xpac.

There is a balance to be struck in providing new content and developing the existing stuff, and I’m not saying it’s easy to do by all means. But, it’s been getting too aesthetically superficial for an RPG. People loose interest faster when they find out there’s very little new content supporting the races they’ve previously picked for their characters.

The concept of allied races is fast becoming a band-aid to be applied to the game when there is next to no lore development for existing races in game. It’s addressing the symptom of a content drought rather than the cause of dissatisfaction.
Constantly adding in new playable races in won’t fix this issue. They need to spend more time putting the older races in the spotlight, and I don’t just mean the important lore figures of the Alliance or Horde.
Relying on your Jainas and Thralls will only go so far before people rightly tire of them.


How in earth is Arathi human a standalone race?

Then again, we got the “allied races”…

I’d personally prefer us to get the sethrak, the naga, the ogres and the uncorrupted arakkoa. I don’t think we need yet another variation of the existing races.


Ever heard of this really old character called Garona, you know the one that is literally surnamed “halforcen”? I mean it would have been interesting if she was designed in a way that reflected her mixed heritage and not just a default female orc.

With that in mind I’m not sure you realise just how much lore gymnastics they’d have to do in other to justify some of your ideas…

We still don’t have access to faction based variations of all the major capitals the allied races have… Suramar is still in rebellion mode with a glowing Tomb Of Sargeras behind it! High Mountain is still neutral. The Dark Iron dwarf capitol is still a low level dungeon etc etc…

I’d be much more interested on seeing much more race specific content, unique quests that have to do with their respective problems and world building around matters that concerns them. Use that as an opportunity to give much more depth to all existing races, and also juicy race based tmogs including weapons. Legion was great for that, all the class specific content including the artefact quests were fun and unique, and made you want to play different classes just for fun. Obviously the borrowed power grinding was a problem, hence why I say to make all this content with exciting tmog only rewards.


I’d rather they removed the current placeholder model for Nightborne and implemented them proper with actual customization options.


The same way that Kul Tiran are a playable race.

Taunka, Ogres (with both MU and AU customization options), Grookin Hozen, Unshackled Gilgoblins (with Unshackled Makrura, Sea Giants and Murlocs joining lorewise), Outland Arakkoa Outcasts for the Horde
Faithful Sethrak, Stillpine Furbolgs, Pearlfin Jinyu, Waveblade Ankoan, uncorrupted Arakkoa for the Alliance
Maybe Vrykul as a new neutral race (could either join the Alliance because of their genetical and historical ties with Humans, or the Horde because they honestly have a lot in common with them)

And there you’ve got your Ultimate WoW

(Yes that’s an unsurprising and predictable roster but sometimes it’s better to stick to what makes sense even though it may bring less excitement that pulling out a brand new draconid race out of nowhere)

Alternatively you can also decide not to add anything and focus on fixing and deepening the existing races (giving Gnomeregan back to the Gnomes, giving the Darkspear lore and characters, doing something about Kezan, updating starting areas in general…)


I would pick this over new races any time.

Enough with under developed lip service races, give us a detailed world again.


Yeah ok lmao


MU Arakkoa will need to seek refuge on Azeroth when Outland inevitably ends up collapsing. Their outcast status fits the Horde’s theme and they’re certainly aesthetically and culturally closer to them than to the Alliance. They just will need to go somewhere and I don’t imagine them going with the Alliance. Uncorrupted Arakkoa could be the Alliance counterpart.
Stillpine Furbolgs are literally already members of the Alliance.
Valarjar Vrykul have been interacted with by both the Horde and the Alliance on neutral terms in Legion.

I hardly see how any of those make less sense than Void and Blood Elves in their respective factions.

I mean on the Arakkoa front, both MU outcasts and AU uncorrupted I feel they’ll be a bit of a stretch. Besides the age old technical issue of how on earth you’re going to equip all the armour pieces to these two without looking absolutely ridiculous, I think there’s enough timeline mumbo jumbo going on with Mag’har orcs joining the Horde as opposed to the actual MU fel free orcs (very odd move considering we have at least 3 important characters coming from them, Garrosh, Thrall’s wife and Grandma)…

They Vrykul/Valajaar as a neutral race would feel more plausible. Them bickering amongst themselves about which faction to join suits them really well. Some would be like “we must rekindle ourselves with the past, alliance, humans blablabla” and others would be more like “no brute strength, tribal power, fierce warrior, Horde ftw ooga booga pseudo viking!”. They won’t have the armour technical issue neither. Finally they would be a great opportunity to revamp some areas of Northrend such as Utgarde Keep, generally create a sense of progress on how the various races of Northrend have been doing since there’s no more Scourge. Same could apply to Stormheim, considering High Mountain and Suramar also need to be revisited since both races respectively are now aligned with the Horde.

Though that previous point you made about deepening existing ones is still the best one imo.

Less horizontal expansion, more vertical depth. If they could make a whole expansion that has that as a main moto, they’ll really bring the world back to life!

Lack of playable races is not a problem of Blizzard’s character customization. Allied races were a joke. Just work on what we have, please. In lore as well as in design.


Yeah okay I’ll admit that adding Arakkoa would probably need some sort of retcon LMAO especially the AU ones. I’m really no fan of timey whimey stuff and just as you I would have liked MU Mag’har over AU Mag’har better.
Outland Arakkoa though would still kinda make sense imo - I’ve always thought that, if Blizzard is to stick to the idea of Outland being doomed to slowly disintegrate into the Twisting Nether, they will have to address the problem of native population refugees, at some point. That is, if they do care about their universe, of course.

Now just as you guys I think the best option would be to vertically develop the universe instead of wasting focus and effort on constantly expanding and rediscovering it. At least for one expansion. WoW needs to take a deep breath


Oh that idea of Outland is fantastic, it’s a shame Blizzard always ignores old areas and doesn’t care to update and progress the stories of the zones.

Maybe if we repeat this enough times on most forums maaaaaaaaybe “they’ll listen” :woozy_face:


If Blizzard would ever add new races I’d love for them to add:

Stonemaul ogre for the Horde and Stillpine furbolg for the Alliance.

That said I’d rather they focus on more stories and customisation options. Through customisation options they have alot of options too!

Customisations they could add:
Leper gnome customisations for gnomes,
Ulduar mechagnome customisatioms for Mechagon mechagnomes,
Gilgoblin customisations for goblins,
Taun’ka and yaungol customisations for tauren,
Broken and Lost draenei customisations for draenei
Earthen and frostborn customisations for dwarves,
Felblood or wretched customisations for blood elves,
Night and Blood Elven customisations for Forsaken,
Mok’Nathal customisations for orcs,
Withered and nightfallen customisation for nightborne,
Vrykul-esque customisations for humans,

Worgen that get to choose between a night elven or human form out of combat,
Body-types for all races (scholarly, normal, buff)
Skinny human models (need to make female variant),
Burly troll models (with unique forest and ice troll skin colours),
Dire orc and troll models (need to be downscaled for gameplay tho),

And lastly, I would love for them to fold Allied races into their parent races (except for the unique allied races).

Races that are folded into one playable race with shared customisations would be:
Draenei and Lightforged draenei,
Dwarves and Dark Iron dwarves,
Gnomes and mechagnomes,
Humans and Kul Tiran humans,
Tauren and Highmountain tauren,
Orcs and mag’har orcs.

This would leave the Alliance with void (high) elves and the Horde with nightborne elves, zandalari trolls and vulpera.

I guess the Alliance could get Stillpine furbolg and Jinyu (both Pearlfin and Ankoan tribes) as compensation?

Just my two cents anyway!

I would say this would also fits nicely under the general theme of “vertical development”

That being said some of your suggestions would require lore justifications. Think, for example, why would the Earthen, which are still as the titans intended them to be, so to speak, and generally friendly to both factions, all of a sudden appear in the alliance?

This though I wholeheartedly agree with, and never understood why it isn’t part of the game already, especially now that we have so much more tmog freedom:

Even something as basic as height adjustments, that essentially scales your character up or down, would add so much diversity. Obviously making sure that a “tall” gnome isn’t taller than a “short” dwarf for example.

I feel there should be more class specific customisations where applicable. Warlocks should be able to have certain corrupt/demonic elements on them (think Gul’dan): fel scars and markings, half demonic skin, glowing eyes etc. In similar fashion, druids can have nature driven elements, feral traits such as antlers, feathers, bear skin or even bark skin. Current DK and DH customisations could be expanded further. Shamans could get more elemental specific tattoos. I’m sure the list can be expanded further you get the idea.

I feel it’s not necessary for all classes to have special unique customisations, nor would it detract from their fantasies. Not sure what you would give unique to a warrior, hunter or rogue. More scar options? Body scars? Unique tattoos? Extra muscles for warriors? Not sure, and I believe it’s to some extend not needed since there isn’t anything particularly magical about them.

On the class theme, we could have more unique animations and emotes, even the idle ones. All the idle animations are basically the same, the character yawns and stretches their shoulders. Why not have mages play around with a small spec specific ball? Hunters could… You’re ready for this…? Pet their pets!!! I can see warlock’s imps pulling pranks on them, warriors inspect their weapons with pride and so forth!

Maybe there could even be voice and/or personality choices on the character customisation too! That would just change around the different voice emotes and various battle noises.

Just a series of small things like that which in turn make the big picture more exciting!

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They already shot said angle down when they clarified that the customisation options weren’t to be considered canon, and simply as a way to give players “freedom” in how they wanted their characters to look as.
As of now, they have about the same “validity” as whatever you type in the TRP add on.

They had the chance to expand on plots that explained how is it that Wildhammer and Sandfury trolls are now amongst the playable options…and then killed the chance on expanding said venue by clarifying that none were to be taken as canonical (I recall the interview explaining such through dwarves and the default /canon Bronzebeard treatment).

It’s a shame, and the notable distinctions could’ve been used to expand on human and troll lore (to name but the tip of the iceberg), but it is what it is.

And with that in mind, I honestly rather not dump any relevant feature into said sac. I loath that notable traits would get said sort of treatment.

The Maghar, Dark Iron, Zandalari, and Nightborne, dodged a big fat bullet when they were introduced as proper races. At least they now have some additional rights in order to demand expanded lore.