Add portal to Vale of Eternal Blossom?

just set hearthstone there, it gives you access to the SW portal room with the portal there.

I still have my hearthstone there, even after they removed all the portals.

Because I’d rather fly from the middle of the map to my weekly transmog runs than the edge at the Jade Forest.

Imagine you can even port one or other side of the vale depending which side the assault is currently happening - convenient teleport is convenient !

I think it’s time for the next level in travel convenience: Right click teleport.

Just click anywhere on the world map and get teleported there instantly. No more fussy portal rooms, no more hassle with mounts, guaranteed no pesky waste of precious lifetime due to traveling.


If it is me you ask. Since vanilla! :wink:

So you have played since vanilla yet are moaning about a 30 second flight? Unreal

It is definitely longer. It is making a stupid large circle in the area till it goes to shrine. And it also does this when you go to the fllightpoint lower. Since we play portalville right now we have 3 loading screens too till we can finally start to fly :man_facepalming:


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