Add video chat to group player HP bars!

You should add video from players Web cam to the in-game group player frames next to the HP bars

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No one uses voice chat, why would they use video chat!


What could go wrong :joy:


maybe people would use the in-game voice chat more then.
it would be nice with the option at least…
it could be like twitch where people can spectate a player from external web pages like as well, and blizzard would make money from the donations

If this game started sharing my house and face with random people from the internet, I think I’d finally stop playing.


it could be optional so that you have to chose to share your web cam

For sure.

OP’s idea is amongst the most awful ideas I’ve ever seen on this forum.
I don’t even want to chat with most people in WoW. Let alone talk to them. And least of all show my face to them.

Also… Imagine Goldshire with webcams. Yeah.

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Gold token price will blow up …and lot of moms will be exposed…

Just use Discord on 2nd screen.


Does the voice chat even work yet??

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Skype Joel?

You’d be able to smell them through the video :face_vomiting:

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Other dedicated video conference apps struggle with stable 15fps in 640x480 resolution with 5 participants in a LAN setting. I don’t think it would be technically feasible for a game like WoW to have that feature without it impacting performance.

I’m not sure that’s true anymore, Discord, Teams and Zoom can happily manage 20 participants in HD video across the web.

I still don’t want this to be added to the game though.

Think I heard someone eating their mic last time someone was on it.

TBH in game chat is kind of dead these days, thanks to discord

Why would i want to show my face to complete random people ? :thinking: