Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

Lol ok.

I mean hunters just getting all hate, you taking data from those top players in the world like…

14/50 - Of the top DPS on the logs, are Warrior
25/50 - Of the top DPS on the logs, are Rogue.

Top 1-4 rankings are Warrior

Top warrior Dps is 18% higher than Top Hunter Dps.

7/50 are Hunter.

We can all spit random facts, but not all of us are Rank1 in the world players, yes initially hunter was performing very well in raid to begin with but in my team, Warrior and Rogue beats me most times.

Pet Hp/Armor Nerf - I 100% agree thats ok - we shouldnt have pets tanking raids when they are offensive class pets.

Scorpid Poison - No issue with Nerf - it clearly looked broken

But lets be clear, Kill command is a Rune Slot… its meant to be a powerful ability, its a 1 min CD so not 100% uptime. and it falls over 60 > 40 > 20 so its an extras 120% to spell damage every 60 seconds, 2% per second. So yes, initial burst is chunky but a fight thats spanning multiple minutes, this wont equal insane gains. If you just wanted to reduce the burst for the PVP aspect, all you had to do was change the way KC actually worked.

20% extra dam for next 6 hits, make the buff last longer, so its more focus on just maintaining the uptime on Kill Command, instead of burst. But instead they just naffed the rune completely.

now KC doesnt apply to Scorpid or Wind Serpents the way its been done, so its only usable with Cat/Raptor which cost less Focus per ability, making it less impactful.

“Need” is a bit of a strong word there, buddy. You, with your nerfed Wind Serpent, would still outdps half the classes at their current peak.

Cat is spicy in open world with kill command. This is on a 25 warlock with rank 4 bite self buffed. Its alot less on mail but mega bursty on cloth and leather compared to the scoprion.

https:// gyazo. com/3c421cb2f68b8afdc606b8aad562945f

Ignore the clown brother, he’s delusional. A BM hunter’s pet should in fact do 70% of our damage. It’s literally a spec about improving our pets.


you can blame mix/maxers and the people that cant play anything else other than the meta streamers forced you to play, like if you do 145 dps and not 150 dps the whole world shall burn.

Dang… and i just got rid of my cat to make space for new pet :smiley:

Well now the hunter is as bad as it was back in classic, Thank’s blizzard for ruin all the fun


I blame min/maxer player in general. Did you see the gatekeeping for the raid? Equipment checks, consumables, parsing, we’re trained to be “optimal”. It really sucks. No fun allowed. I would love to try a melee hunter, but I can imagine the flaming if I roll on the STR gear.

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Did you even try the changes yet? overall id say hunters got a buff. Having kings+aspect is a nice change. Flanking strike does what its supposed 2 now. And cats after you learn them abilities are quite good, much stronger then i thought, feels close to scorpid on single target but ofcourse not as op on multiple targets (multidotting). From what i heard raptors are also quite good and serpent is still maybe abit overtuned.

Scorpids needed a change, and hp/armor needed a change, i was able to solo all bosses in wc/sfk/deadmines with scorpid doing all the work. Now i need to interact with mend pet and soak some damage myself like it should be. Damage wise we were and still are fine considering we are the only pure dps class.

I have a feeling people are going to cry about cats now from all hunter haters and we will see more nerfs to pet damage, but i hope they keep things as they are now, bm is supposed to be great at 25, and that together with when i saw the beast mastery rune was what decided me to play it.

How about you sort out the WSG premade problem ? It is genuinely easier to find a BFD group as a hunter dps than it is to make your own WSG premade because you need 2-3 priests or else youll fail.

Pet scaling is still off. Pets snapshot the master’s stats in a weird way. It should be dynamic and precise. Instead they randomly gain or lose HP when using buffs like Aspect of the Lion or equipping/unequipping an item: often the pet’s HP will get lower when we equip a stamina piece instead of gaining it.

Pets should also keep all buffs they had before they were dismissed. They lose buffs randomly this way and it’s a pain when it’s the world buff.

In addition, the scorpid change has to be bugged. Your idea was to make it so that it’s strongest at 5 stacks but the base damage per stack is very low, like not even a fraction of the damage it dealt before.

I liked the fact that a family that was often not thought of as a high DPS option became one, so I would ask you to please adjust scorpids so that they can still be competitive? Lightning Breath on the other hand seems to have been unaffected or become better, although that could also be due to the Boon of Blackfathom change. Testing seems to indicate that cats, raptors and wind serpents are mostly equal though so LB could be just fine.

Buff scorpid poison so that it’s actually usable (and allow for multiple scorpids to have their own poison on the target, at least in PvE), adjust lightning breath if needed (doesn’t look like it as of now) and keep an eye on the other pet abilities. More pet families should be competitive without having one clear winner that stomps on all the others, i. e. don’t make Lightning Breath so bad that now wind serpents cannot compete with cats/raptors. Other abilities such as furious howl or screech should also scale with our gear so that wolves, bats or carrion birds can be good PvE options as well. And give more abilities to families that need it like spiders, they are a DPS family yet they have no use because they only know bite and no web or poison, and dash/dive to all the families that don’t have it such as raptors.

If you cannot create new families, put wyverns in the scorpid family, and chimeras in the wind serpent family (would’ve been perfect considering there’s plenty of chimeras in the very same zone).

Thank you!

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about time

You have destroyed Hunters forever. It’s so over.

I will leave my two cents here.

You can delete all the other pets in the game who can not be trained with these abilities.
Because this is what you are simply saying, forget all the other pets who do not use claw and bite, we have a new ability for you “Kill Command” but since is dedicated to certain pets , we will remove all the other pets which don t apply to this rune.

Am I the only one who sees the stupidity in this or not?

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I’m in two minds.

On the one hand, it’s amusing how many people are surprised pikachu facing this, when you need only visit any grinding area or enter WSG to see how common hunters are. Hint; it’s not because they are super fun to play and interest class. It’s because of the power to effort ratio being wildly out of balance.

On the other hand, this reduces the realistic choice of pets down significantly. Variety is the spice of life. Seeing unusual pets is always nice, and Hunter’s using pets for niche abilities was great, while it was a thing. I understand it takes time to do this but it’s difficult to imagine it’s really that difficult to come up with a balanced algorithm.

I personally think most of you complainers are delusional.

Absolutely, without a doubt, 100% delusional, and here is my reasoning.

I believe every other class in the game has an additional function to it. Hunter alone is the purest DPS class in the game. No in combat CC other than a slow, no self healing, absolutely no way to get someone off you other than a melee slow.

Add to it that it’s also a leather user now, it’s literally the purest DPS spec I can find in this game, as it only really provides DPS.

Why then, are you all calling for nerfs on a class that excels at what it’s intended to excel at?


Tuning Scorpid and Wind serpent was a good call, but the problem imo, is they nerfed them and did nothing else, hence further ruining basically every way to make MM scaling viable in PvE/PvP. I’ve played it in every iteration of WoW from vanilla to current retail, and would gladly get rid of this overpowered pet meta if we got some alternative playstyles to coexist.

I’ve yet to see a buff for Lone Wolf and retuning of some of the other unused runes to provide alternate builds that can be competitive to other top DPS classes(rogues, warriors, and Druid’s).

They are.

I’m sure we’ll see complaints about other “broken” classes soon.

Praying all these pets get nerfed into oblivion.

Nothing says irony when a player chooses to play a game announced at BlizzCon to “have no beta and regular hotfixes based on monitoring and feedback” and then complains there is no testing.

All these players complaining about testing and PTR and announcements need to have a reality check and find another game / version of WoW.

It is called Discovery for a reason, the Devs are also Discovering and will continue to do so. Keep up the regular hotfixes, it is nice that players cannot “sim and min max” everything, and that classes and “meta” will change throughout the levels.

Once we reach 50-60 there will not be a load of warriors pumping the meta, the meta will change constantly, and that is good. We will all get our time in the spotlight. People won’t level “the best class” when it constantly changes like we saw in Classic.

Season of Hunter nerfs :slight_smile:
Damaging PVE hunter to balance PVP hunter does not make sense. It is hard enough to find a raid spot with the only class cannot tank or heal, and now you are making it worse.
Proposal: Kill Command (passive): increase pet special abilities damage by 20% on targets below 20% health. (I wasn’t using it, I would still not use it, but it would at least make some sense)
Besides, lone wolf rune is nerfed way too much, and very very hard to get. Please reduce the ingredients required and increase the dmg to 20%. Hunters should be able to solo or pvp with pets but should be viable in dungeons without.
Same for explosive shot, aoe with 1/3rd damage makes no sense. At least twice of now, no aoe.
Hunters should be the ranged class which should be handy during boss execute phase. Single target sustained ranged damage.
PS: I played paladin tank briefly for 5 mans during most of wotlk, it is way easier than a hunter with a pet in a dungeon.