Additional Mythic+ Adjustments - 12 March

With hotfixes that are now live on all realms, we’ve made the following adjustments to Mythic+ dungeon encounters:


Cinderbrew Meadery

  • Benk Buzzbee’s Honey Marinade area denial damage reduced by 33%.


  • Azerokk adds’ Azerite Aftershock initial damage reduced by 23%.
  • Azerokk adds’ Azerite Aftershock periodic damage reduced by 43%.

The Rookery

  • Voidstone Monstrosity add Voidstone Awakened’s Corruption Overload increased damage inflicted per stack reduced by 50%.

Operation: Floodgate

  • Big Momma Maximum Distortion cast time increased to 4 seconds (was 3), and Maximum Distortion duration reduced to 12 seconds (was 14).
  • Swampface chains targeting updated to prefer non-healers.

These will be included in our next hotfixes update.

A lot of ground effects seem quite unforgiving.

Chewies I can’t get out of the middle of it without a speed boost - it may be age related.
Micro missiles on the last boss of ML feels pretty quick too.

I’m sure there are others but we aren’t all 14 years old with the reflexes of a mongoose these days.


You can see where they will be shot at if you look at the Copters at the sides. You’re not supposed be where they will shoot at in the first place.


So it’s now gonna be 3 dps and the tank?

Blizzard once again making tanks do everything and then wonder why there is a shortage. What the heck honestly?

It is a healcheck boss though. Not a tank-boss.
It is a good change.


The raidwide doesn’t do that much damage anymore and the blobs are slow. How is raidhealing any harder than having to actually tank the boss, eat the damage of the raidwide and tankbusters on top of white swings? It is not a good change. It is s1 all over again.

I know this, there are still straggler missiles occasionally in other quadrants though.

I mean, we are running 2.3M hps on a +10. We have to play perfect to be able to not get killed. It is probably the hardest healcheck in M+ currently. And some healers actually need to be able to cast, or stay in melee. Good luck getting linked to someone else who runs out to dodge.

Are you aware we are healing the tank too?

People running out to dodge is a coordination issue nothing more nothing less and u can just say "go left " in a pug. 2.3m HPS isnt even that impressive considering Dailcry without one of the busted self-healing tanks is around 1.5m HPs in a +10 almost all on tank alone.

Mhm some nerfs to already free keys, but nothing for PSF. :thinking:

You can not just dodge left all the time.
And you are for sure not going to compare healer HPS and tank HPS, do you.

You can complain about tank-responsibilities what you want, but not for this boss. This is the healer-boss.

I never compared tank and healer hps? I just said that on Dailcry the healer HPS is going to be high if u don’t have a self-healing tank like VDH.

But it seems like the devs want you to play BDK or VDH this season anyway with their self-healing.

And yes I will absolutely complain because blizzard makes healer or tank do same mechanics as DPS on top of their own stuff while DPS sleeps.

I feel the like it’s more of the opposite this season. I haven’t touched my healer yet but as a tank I’ve got less mechanics to deal with than DPS and healers, feels much more like tanking a raid where you’re just in melee range.

Overall dungeons feel pretty good, some tuning could be done to make bosses equally hard/easy so there isn’t such great discrepancies within the dungeon, but blizzard is obviously addressing that.

The things that comes to mind are the minecart event.

  1. If you die during that event and the cart is at a group of mobs, when you use the teleport to the cart you’re stunned for a while and the mobs just kill you during the stun. Is this intended to be a no-fail event, or has it been overlooked?
  2. The corridoor creeper has a chance of inflicting a dot on the tank that stacks and can’t be dispelled. As keys go higher, the counterplay to this will be either kiting or using immunities (paladin, dk). Both feels like an unintended way to handle the mechanic as a tank, so is this indended or should it be dispellable or deal less damage?

you see free nerfs - i see for example nerf to 2nd boss in ML which made impossible to complete it in +3 and +4 in pugs for me because out of 3 pugs i joined - all were unable to kill this boss :slight_smile:

It becomes quite easy when you ya’know - follow tactics. (Kill empowered add to reduce aoe on group - as in hard swap to it).

That being said, we did it on a 10 last week, broadly followed tactics and the healer had to do just shy of 2 mill hps which is a lot on that fight because its not simply tank and spank.

Let me remind you that most, if not all, the tankbusters of S1 were removed or nerfed. Unlike the healer situation where they added even more healer checks than in S1.

So on the one had, yes. Tanks also have to do mechanics. Plus their rotation. Which is a bummer, but it is what all other rolls have to do as well.

But on the other, what do you expect Tanks to be? Some sort of DPS that can just sit there, have nothing to deal with and a free pass to invites?

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Unfortunately, many people do not even know the basics of the dungeons and apply to 3-4s immediately because their ilvl “allows” it.

ML is quite easy dungeon if people know what to do.

It was one-shotting 11m hp tanks through standard mitigation before the Friday update. xD

It is of course quite a thing not pressing defensives on tankbusters and then claim it is a tankboss. It sounds like a missplay to me.

When you do not heal for 2 seconds players fall over…