Additional Tickets for BlizzCon 2023 Now on Sale

Yeah. If the patch is live then you can play it there as well (maybe its to reassure people that ‘hey if you’re worried you won’t get to play the new patch, we got you covered’).

It would be pre-season at that time, so no real pressure.

I was really hoping for next expansion news and if it’s too early for that, it means we have a lot more DF to go than I’d hoped.

The last few BlizzCon’s they’ve had some terrible leaks as well.

Maybe we will have another raid tier with storm dragons / netherwing /etc. I played recently through the legion stories to unlock argus, and they should definitely bring this

Also, we got these dragonriding mounts too from the traveller’s log hinting this.

I’m not sure, but maybe there are even more dragonflights still in the game. I don’t rly expect blizzard to work through all of them tbh.

800 euros for the vip section? No ducking way dude

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