UPDATE from author on Curseforge:
We have a built in function “IsInList()” that you can use to check an item against a list you have created.
Example, you made a custom list named “Precious”, you can make a keep rule for those items like so:
Edit: and I just noticed our rule editor help is missing some functions like IsInList() so they do not have help showing properly. Will add that to the 10.2 bugfix list.
I have a question about the addon Vendor.
In the Lists tab you can create custom lists. But I have no idea how to use those lists in the rules. For a lot of functions there is some help provided, but nothing about the use of lists.
So my question is: How can i use (multiple) lists in the Sell/Keep/Destroy rules?
Please check the screenshot at imgur /a/Ucwhc4z for a visual explanation. (It seems I can’t include links)