Updated to v0.5.1 this afternoon to fix some bugs:
Version 0.5.1
Fixed an issue where rolls were not displaying for party members (you could argue that there is excessive information now, though…)
Fixed an issue where self-buffs were not applying correctly.
Removed some debug messages.
The addon is now also available to download on WoWInterface, see link at the top of the page. Join the Discord to get your hands on an example dataset containing spells, buffs and debuffs so you can test the addon for yourself!
Sounds promising. I think many of us miss old Dicemaster and have looked for replacements, but nothing really has had the utility we need. (talking heads for NPCs and unit frames are the big ones)
I haven’t tested the addon out myself, but guildies are reporting it as very promising. Hoping the development goes smoothly and that the addon can rise up to be a worthy successor to DM.
RIP old Dicemaster I’ll definitely be paying more attention to talking heads and integrating it with the unit frames in the near future so that it’s a usable system for those who aren’t so much bothered about the 5e-esque side of things!
That’s perfect. Our guild for example uses a less complicated system, currently boiling down to just HP value differences and sometimes having bonuses on specific skill rolls that apply, but nothing that has the traditional D&D style stats applied.
The time Dicemaster gave us the personal traits you could add to your characters personal unit frame was the only time we had anything more complicated going on, since you were able to use those traits to list your characters special abilities and possible roll bonuses for skills. (like for my character, it was bonuses to engineering and mech piloting mostly)
It’s good to hear you taking the non-5e style systems into account to make the addon more fluid and adaptable. Very good indeed.