I wondered if anyone could recommend addons that make roleplaying easier or better? I do know of trp3 but beyond that, the list of addons is rather large and it might be better to get recommendations and explanations of people that actually use other addons.
I am still new to WoW at large and being on an RP server and hope that a question like this is allowed and not frowned upon.
Total RP 3 (TRP3)
This addon is the truly necessary one, as you know. Roleplay profiles, roleplay character radar, the works.
This addon pings you when your OOC name or first IC name is said, as well as any other pings you may place in the addon’s settings tab. Besides that, it has two windows; Listener, which just a larger read-only chatbox, and Snooper, which lets you see only what the person you’re targetting has said.
CrossRP (Currently buggy.)
This addon allows you to link up several raid groups together; but most importantly, allows you to see the other faction’s TRP. Very useful for neutral events outside of sanctuary zones, in which TRP3 already shows you the opposite’s faction TRP profiles.
Emote Splitter
It extends your chatbox limit to the infinite, splitting it between different messages. Regardless of downloading it though, please do measure your emotes, and be mindful of others. Nobody wants someone to drop four paragraphs of speech on them in a public event before they’re able to reply. Really useful for those messages and emotes that go a little bit over the chat limit, as well as for DMing!
Total RP 3: Extended
An addon for an addon, essentially. It adds the ability to use character-made items, character inventories with IC items, so on. It’s a little more complex, far more underused, and not everyone has it, so, it’s just a little bit of an extension for you to have if you want to.
EXTREMELY useful if you join or make a guild that uses a D20 system, or any kind of dice roll system beyond just flat rolling. Recently updated after a long hiatus from its creator, too! Again, only really necessary if you join a guild such as this, but, it’s there for you to install should you wish to use it.
Two smaller recommends I’d like to add to the already excellent ones above:
Elephant is a handy addon if you’d like to keep customizable logs of chat channels (which I find invaluable to keep track of specific important details sometimes).
Also NPCsMarkers is useful to nametag raid markers you place, with customizable health bars to add, something I use as a stand-in for a deprecated Dicemaster feature.
Thanks a lot everyone for those suggestions. Especially Listener and Emote Splitter seem to be really handy. I will get other ones like CrossRP and Dicemaster too in case I ever get to be in a situation where it’s useful.
Quick question regarding CrossRP though. From what I read, you need a potion that allows you to read the other factions chat. Is that still a thing? Does CrossRP or another addon get rid of it in case you still need the potion?