Nah, it will happen a lot more. There’s a big difference between how people behave when there’s nothing at stake for them and how they behave when their own key is at stake.
If it’s possible to “save” your key from being depleted by kicking someone, upgrading it back up again and doing it with a better performing group, a lot of people will do it.
The way i see the leaver problem: I would not punish a player who leaves one key or two.
But i would punish players who abuse the system. For example: player start to main a “meta class” even if he is bad at it. He doesnt really care, as he ll get inv to another key in no time. Healers can do this as well, or maybe tanks.
At the beginning of the season i quickly get to a point when i never invited a meta class anymore. I felt like non-meta players (aka the ones who willing to play and put effort, but they never get invited) respected the chance so much more, than someone who could just leave and get an inv to another key in a second.
Im not saying that every player who owns a meta class, or every healer or tank is careless and bad. But there are many out there who just abuse the system, dont put much effort into learning or trying. They just jump from one key to another, and they get away with it.
So thats the idea. Punish players who abuse the system.
I have no idea, how to make this happen.
But some people get my point i hope.
Also more gold in the end of the run would be nice.
If i try to define who is a player who abuse the system:
for me its suspicious if a player leaves a key… 3times in an hour.
or xy times in 2 hours. Something like this.
That kind of behaviour should be punished, and if a player left the 5th key in a short period of time, i would just send them a message: u can try again in “xy” hrs. Why give them endless chance to abuse and disrespect others?
Just an idea. In reality, i dont know how this would work out.
A leap, yes. That’s why you cc them… unless you want them spread out so you can’t cleave them down. And the frontal cone gets in one hit before you can step out if they’re allowed to cast it. Last week, it was a oneshot when they were bolstered.
I wonder if there is another solution to this conundrum? (dont bolster them!)
Most groups don’t have reliable enough cc to lock down those whole packs from start to finish so they work with what they can do which is stop the knife dances and interrupt.