Addressing the upsurge of trashtalking of m+


Affixes do make dungeons feel unique and not stale imo. Only affixes that force tedious gameplay should be abolished and many have been, explosive and skittish.

I would hate to see blizzard giving in to the mass of people that want affixes to be completely removed or giga nerfed to the point that you dont even have to play around them anymore. Like on bursting weeks you dont even have to care about swapping dmg targets based on hp levels.

I feel like the people that want this just want to have an easier time filling up their vaults for all of their alts. But by pleasing those people we are gutting a part of the game that is a major reason why alot of people stay subscribed.

Key depletion:

I think alot of people dont understand blizzards system of key depletion so here is my explanation of how i see it.

In a key you balance doing mechanics and doing dps/healing. If you fail at a mechanic most likely you were too focused on your numbers so that you would not run out of time.
When you are running a key that is -10 levels than what you are capable of doing, your mind will be mostly focused on not messing up the mechanics because you know that even if your 1% if your focus is on doing dps/healing, you will still make the timer.

So most of the time when you deplete a key it shows that you were too focused on doing dmg than mechanics. So what you should do in that situation is do the key again but do it an easier difficulty, like -1 level. Then you dont have worry about your dps as much and you can focus more on not messing up the mechanics.

As someone who has been playing for 4 years and never once liked an affix that wasn’t a seasonal one… the only reason i dislike it is because they aren’t making the dungeons more fun. Most affixes don’t impact the run and those that do do it in a way that most, including myself don’t enjoy. If anything they could have a kiss-curse effect. For example imagine this week the healers getting the shrine of the storm’s final boss mechanic where a healer gets a massive boost in damage but their max health is lowered over time and you can remove it with a magic dispel. That’s fun. Afflicted is not.
We could get a better iteration of prideful from season 1 of shadowlands, that kinda thing.

maybe should just add random tasks to the dungeon to get a bonus or whatever.

affixes just make it more of a chore than anything.
While prideful was great for the buff, it was not great that the mob itself was blasting and that you had to plan around the buff to make the most out of it.

I think the one that spawned a billion mobs at 20/40/60/80/100%
Wasn’t particularly special but it was fun to blast stuff at least. If you ad something to it, would probably end up fun.
All other seasonal affixes were extremely dull. Corrupted was okish but also needed to plan routes which felt like more work than fun

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