Advancing Draenor Storyline?

Hi, so I’m wanting to go over expansions that I missed and I’m currently in Draenor. I’ve got to the the part of the story where Thrall and Garrosh have their fight but after that there doesn’t seem to be any story missions left and I don’t know where my next step should be to advance.

I used Wowhead’s Quest Completion Tracker for my character and this is what it is showing:


  • Ashran - 0/0

  • Defense of Karabor - 0/0

  • Frostfire Ridge - All quests 80/148 and Storylines 6/6

  • Gorgrond - All quests 57/102 and Storylines 4/4

  • Nagrand - All quests 71/105 and Storylines 8/8

  • Shadowmoon Valley - 5/20 (I just flew around and no quests popped up, which led me here)

  • Shattrath City - 0/0

  • Spires of Arak - All quests 102/113 and Storylines 9/9

  • Talador - All quests 68/103 and Storylines 4/4

  • Tanaan Jungle - 3/24

Can someone possibly help point me in the right direction please? And what is with the zones with zero available quests? Is the website wrong? Also, the quest log in WoW doesn’t show any storylines in the zones remaining like it did in the 5 zones I completed.

Looks like you have done all the storylines and it’s just side quests you have missed. Have you tried searching WoWHead for the actual zone. For example if it put in Talador it will give a list of all the quests associated with that zone so maybe you can find a lead from that.

I don’t remember there being any quests in Shattrath City, they were all surrounding it in the zone. I think Defence of Karabor was an Alliance thing (as was much of Shadowmoon Valley) and Ashran is the PvP zone with some NPC’s for professions, timewalking, QM’s and apex crystal vendors, portal to SW and the jungle but not really much else.

Make sure you have quest tracking on for trivial quests or they won’t show up on your mini map when you are flying around looking for them.

Quit a few quests were based around your Garrison progression also, so some side quests may not be available to you yet.


There is one quest in Ashran, AFAIR - to recruit a follower at the barracks there, a Dwarf DK whose name I forget. But it may well be considered a Garrison quest.

is a sort of scenario you do, where Velen meets a degraded Naaru controlled by the Iron Horde. There is no quest within the scenario,

I’m pretty sure there are no quests within Shattrath City itself; at least not regular ones. You can buy a Missive to complete, but no quests there.

Personally, I’d just pick one of the regular zones and complete it. Spires, maybe, or Nagrand. Are you saying that you can see no quests there when you fly around? As Ráevelyn asked, do you have Trivial Quests ticked? Have you got your Garrison to Level 3 yet? As I recall, a lot of quest breadcrumbs start there.

I do see some quests in some zones but these are trivial quests. I only really care about the story. I’ve done the Garrosh bit but nothing further about Blackhand and any of the raids. Surely the main story doesn’t end with Garrosh? That wasn’t even a raid o.0

Thanks for the responses so far though.

“Trivial Quests” does not mean side-quests.

“Trivial Quests” (that’s a bad name!) means any quests that are too low-level to give you XP, and since you are 70, that means all of them.

If you are in any doubt, look at each of the zones in your Achievements->Quests and follow the trail of storylines.

But now I’m unsure what you mean? If you care about the story, you want to complete the storylines in each zone, including dungeons, and then do the raids in order.

Frex, Blackhand and Yrel (and you, ofc!) came to blows at the end of the Talador questline.

Velen met the Naaru the IH called the Dark Star at the end of Shadowmoon.

For a very short summary of the WoD story, sequence, dungeons, and raids, I suggest you check out

just so you can place all of these in context.

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