Advice for an RP newbie

One thing I would add to awesome stuff posted by others:

Find a guild that fits your scheldule. Most events take place between 8 and 10 PM server time, but there are communities that start later and also finish later. Find one where you can attend events in their entirety without sacrificing stuff you like doing outside of RP or your sleep scheldule.


Hello and welcome!

As they said on the other thread, you should probably get TRP 3, that’s almost a must-have.

Also, if you wanna join AD, I’d suggest you get to know the Perroy Cinematic Universe and form your opinion about it!

Once again thanks so much for the advice. I just have one question which is rather central to my character, as my entire idea for a courier-adventurer character came from the Gnomish Flying Machine mount. As it incorporates features from both RL aeroplanes and helicopters, does it take off vertically or by gaining altitude via thrust? Just so if it’s the latter I need to find somewhere that can function as a “runway”. Currently Stormwind harbour is looking best, but I don’t want to ruin other peoples immersion. I didn’t think this question warranted another thread.

Can you recommend any links or should I just ask around if I get the chance to slip in some OOC?

Oh you’ll hear all about it, most loudly from its many members and the many people who take issue with it/ taken issue with by it. Its all rather ridiculous. Focus instead on getting involved in RP, meet characters and don’t stress so much about the guild tag above people’s heads just yet.

Oh, and get along to community events! Its a great way to meet lots of guilds and people you might not normally get the chance to!


You can find something about it here, but when you see the tag PCU, they’re talking about this!


Seems like a nice place, though I imagine the sheer volume of players can dominate areas that other people want/need to use for their own RPs.

We do try hard not to all congregate in one area too often and our group event locations take into account what we know of other server events so we don’t disrupt each other.

Just regular rp and events are often just a single PCU guild off doing something, and if we run into other rpers we interact with them too!


Don’t worry about that, we role play in a way that is inclusive for everyone else who happens to be in the same zone


One thing I’ll say is try to imagine what you want your character to look like. You’ll find there are guilds and events for pretty much any concept you can think of, from Horde and Alliance organised military groups to more rugged mercenary types, from neutral peaceful groups to crime and evil factions both inside and outside the Horde and Alliance. And if there isn’t, you should start it yourself. ^^

So don’t fear to try something outside the box (like maybe some mountaineer RP perhaps? Out of date )


I highly recomend the PCU guys. Go and have a look, you wont regret it

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I recommend PCU as well.

Good luck.

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Welcome to Argent Dawn! Enjoy your RP adventure :slight_smile:

Created my char…

…and chickened out. I don’t know why but I just didn’t feel at ease in Northshire. I certainly won’t give up on the idea (I had basically the same character concept come to me with a goblin about a year ago, so it’s clearly something that appeals to me) but I think I’ve rushed into it a bit and I’m a little intimidated by TRP’s sheer volume. I think I just need to clear my head and research first, but this is not the last you will see of me!


Well, giving it time helps too, don’t feel too pressured about others profiles thou and relax, nothing to be ashamed of to start small.

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Welcome to the bizarre world of RP, Borbarsa!

All the advice here has been good, though if you’re intimidated I’d say maybe a good thing to do would to just go people-watching in Stormwind or something. Now, I wouldn’t say it has the best RP, to put it mildly, but it can help you get a feel for how things operate etc.

What Zagkush said is totally right as well, starting small is the way to go imo.

Hope you have fun! :smiley:

Did you by chance downloaded TRP Extended? It´s something most RPers don´t use and isn´t really necessary, normal TRP is enough.
And with normal TRP, all you really need is thinking of character´s name, basic information such as age, height, how he looks and that´s it.

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Do not worry about filling all that information in! Just get first and last name, maybe a basic idea of how he looks and then do the rest when the urge strikes (bit by bit if needed).


And to add on to this, your TRP does not need to be a novel, just put in as much information as YOU want. :slight_smile:

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and make sure to link to your f-list

no do not actually do this please god

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