Advice for an RP newbie

Hello citizens of the forums!

So I’m thinking of dipping my toe into the world of RP realms, and am just generally looking for overall advice (RP etiquette, addons, servers, etc.), as well as whether my character idea would gel with Warcraft lore satisfyingly. I have read the Wowpedia guide to roleplaying and am an amateur D&D player, so I have a vague idea of what I’m doing.

As for my character concept, I was thinking either a human or gnome courier/adventurer. I plan on levelling to at least 60 for flying (maybe a bit more to take advantage of the xp buff), and then trying to go into business delivering goods and messages, along with light mercenary work. These are of course redundant gameplay wise, but that’s no reason to ignore a concept, right?

So yeah, just looking for general advice on the basics and whether I have a working character cocept. Like I said I’m inexperienced with RP so please have mercy ^^


EDIT: I know I put the exact same topic in the RP section of Story but I thought I’d have better luck getting a response here. I then posted on general discussion and was told to come here- 3rd time’s the charm eh?


For rp etiquette, no power emoting.
Addons: TRP 3 and crossfaction
Servers: This one ofc.

Edit: And you might want to be max lvl, for either mog or just being able to go to more places, seeing you will be a courier.

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What’s that?

Not forcing na action on someone, seeing the char you want to play, here is na exemple. insert name delivers a letter
Instead go XX goes to deliver a letter to Y
If this makes sense.

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Ah yes godmodding.


One of the bests things you can do is experiment and test the waters through observation and trial and error.
Start off humble and get a feel for the environment. Don’t feel afraid to ask questions in whispers.

Try to avoid OOC speak in /s. If you want to ask stuff that isn’t IC, keep it to whispers.

Avoid Goldshire. There is nothing good there. It is not a RP haven, it is a cesspit.

If you want to try out the courier stuff, consider approaching the guild ‘Sunnyvale Ratters’. They might fit you for a human courier.
If you want a gnome, try the Assembly of Uld.

Both these guilds are more than happy to help give you tips and help you ease into role-playing.

But all in all… experiment! Try it and see for yourself.


Thanks, I’ll have to take a look.

You guys seem so much more welcoming than the main community, I think I’m going to like it here.


Hello, and welcome!

Getting into RP is fun, but can be daunting! You’ll generally find people are very welcoming of new RPers and will be glad to share pointers, help you work out lore and point you in the direction of good reference materials for when it comes to working out your character.

Some tips that I think have always served me well in RP and perhaps are a bit “outside of the box”

Seek first to understand as opposed to being understood:
We’ve all met characters who tell us ever facet of their lives within the first 30 minutes of meeting, and sure some folks IRL are like that, most of us don’t have a character creation sheet or back story to recite from! Instead telling us about your character, make it a point to ask the right questions of other people’s characters. You’ll get a conversation going and thats the space for more of your characters thoughts, feelings and sentiments to show.

When writing a characters, always take off the last character trait you put on:
People, like characters, are a complex web of different facets, interests, inspirations and experiences. However unlike our lives, we can be at risk of attaching a few too many cliches to our characters. When you’re siting down and thinking about the person you want to RP don’t be afraid to start out with less, and slowly let more develop based on their experiences. We don’t enter the world fully formed, and our characters shouldn’t either!

Say “Yes”:
Don’t be afraid to take someone up on their offer of a drink, or join someone for a walk or go on a random adventure someone has organised and will DM. Obviously don’t say “Yes” to everything, especially if its dodgy or doesn’t line up with what your character would do, but don’t forsake experiences because you think your character wouldn’t enjoy them, you the player might still have fun!

IC stays IC. OOC stays OOC, but we’re still people:
You’re going to see a lot of people state in their profiles that happens “In Character” (IC) stays In Character, and same with what happens “Out of Character” (OOC). That is to say, a character might be rude to you, but that doesn’t mean the player is being rude to you, or dislikes you. However, we are people with feelings and we are social creatures and its ok, in my view, to let your OOC feelings and sentiments help guide you through things you want to experience in RP, and things you don’t. Some of the people and organisations who scream the loudest about IC being IC and OOC being OOC are also the most hypocritical. Don’t stress about it, we all feel a certain way some times.

Have Fun:
This goes without saying, but you’re paying for this experience. If that experience isn’t fun, then stop. If you find you don’t like something about your character of your circumstances you’re not bound in chains, you can change things.

Read around:
My current character and guild were so greatly inspired by reading the World of Warcraft book: Before the Storm. There is so much rich material out there, that adds a lot of flesh and details and nuance to the world you’ll digitally stand in. I’d suggest reading that book, or listening to it online, as its a good place to start to getting a shape of recent events.

I think thats pretty much all that comes to mind to start with, if you’re ever around on Horde or ever want some pointers feel free to drop me a whisper! Best of luck!


Enjoy your time here and looking forward to see you around, thou probably will be as foes, seeing yer alliance and all.

We shall see.

A man’s got to make his gold after all…

Of course.

One thing I would add to awesome stuff posted by others:

Find a guild that fits your scheldule. Most events take place between 8 and 10 PM server time, but there are communities that start later and also finish later. Find one where you can attend events in their entirety without sacrificing stuff you like doing outside of RP or your sleep scheldule.


Hello and welcome!

As they said on the other thread, you should probably get TRP 3, that’s almost a must-have.

Also, if you wanna join AD, I’d suggest you get to know the Perroy Cinematic Universe and form your opinion about it!

Once again thanks so much for the advice. I just have one question which is rather central to my character, as my entire idea for a courier-adventurer character came from the Gnomish Flying Machine mount. As it incorporates features from both RL aeroplanes and helicopters, does it take off vertically or by gaining altitude via thrust? Just so if it’s the latter I need to find somewhere that can function as a “runway”. Currently Stormwind harbour is looking best, but I don’t want to ruin other peoples immersion. I didn’t think this question warranted another thread.

Can you recommend any links or should I just ask around if I get the chance to slip in some OOC?

Oh you’ll hear all about it, most loudly from its many members and the many people who take issue with it/ taken issue with by it. Its all rather ridiculous. Focus instead on getting involved in RP, meet characters and don’t stress so much about the guild tag above people’s heads just yet.

Oh, and get along to community events! Its a great way to meet lots of guilds and people you might not normally get the chance to!


You can find something about it here, but when you see the tag PCU, they’re talking about this!


Seems like a nice place, though I imagine the sheer volume of players can dominate areas that other people want/need to use for their own RPs.

We do try hard not to all congregate in one area too often and our group event locations take into account what we know of other server events so we don’t disrupt each other.

Just regular rp and events are often just a single PCU guild off doing something, and if we run into other rpers we interact with them too!


Don’t worry about that, we role play in a way that is inclusive for everyone else who happens to be in the same zone