Advice on Warlock in Solo Shuffle (Against Melee Lobbies)?

Circle? Circle gives freedom only for the next applications of roots, the ones was on you before it doesn’t dispel

All of this cannot be used at the same time. Switch for Succubus or Felhunter for demo is a huge DPS loss. Affli and Destro do not have mortal wounds.

Does any one even cares for curses? Apart from Exhaustion. Tongues is nerfed to 10%, Weakness is useless without amplify curse. Exhaustion doesn’t save your from melee.

Castable stun, with millions micro CC and silences.

Destro only.

Nerfed to 10% AH and useless at any dampening.

What is literally all melee, that shows that warlock toolkit and design hasn’t been updated since WoD… altrhugh no, In WoD we wasn’t that bad we were good. We had a crappy Toolkit since Legion, and the saving grace of warlocks was overtuned damage of one of the specs at certain patches.

No one coming on the arena even bothers with mental gymnastics of how to resetup talents to deal with warlocks, no one even cares about our toolkit, only our damage.

With every melee, you sit and tinker with talents/PvP talents. You keep in mind so many things that melee could do, and how to deal with it. No one gives a damn about our toolkit only damage. The only exception is Unstable Affliction Dispel retaliation silence and damage forces Healers to less aggressively dispel teammates.


I’m sure those buttons are very bad if you only think of them individually lol

I’m clueless and have no clue how it works nowadays however isnt most of lock toolkit affected by damp? Like soul leech, pact, hs, coil (which does nothing already). I’ve seen many times someone using that big hs and it did nothing at all cos of damp for example. Also locks have no immunities like rogue cloak and is immune for idk 7 sec? Mage can block, Priest can dispers etc. However locks in damp just die and that has been case for years. Also doesnt damp ramp up rly fast in soloq which would make them even more squishy?

Ofc i’m not saying locks are bad since i’m clueless about meta rn.

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Read your bible and pray for a new comp you can beat.

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Which you literally have to do since your list includes spells that are exclusive to each other. Also just mindlessly listing spells or tools is never really an argument since you can do that with literally every class and say “see, it’s good since it has all this stuff”.


Not to mention that we just have in PvP all our heals nerfed HS/Dark pact, Drain life is not worth even having on bar. On top of that soul leech is broken and doesn’t worth with Hero talents and several key demonology demons. So yeah, we have a “wonderful” experience right now, thanks for the lack of care from blizzard.

And in addition to that we right now have overlap of not working CC effects like slows. We have Slows from curses, Succubus and Shadow Flame. But in reality no one uses Succubus right now and Shadow flame - shadow flame sucks, and Succubus just doesn’t bring much to the table since we almost everytime need interrupt.

For Affli/Destro the only viable pet is Felhunter.
For Demo Felguard and his axe toss gives diminishing on interrupt(if it interrupts the target) and stuns, it has 30 sec CD - longest CD for interrupts in game - do not confuse with Silence.
Affli and Destro cast their only stun.
Demo has Second FG for stun, but it is also a DPS button and it has 2 MIN CD.

So yeah - bugs, problems with design, issues with talents, clinically undertuned key abilities and overbuffed the ones that doesn’t need to be touched, and even more bugs.

I just wonder how the person that works for blizzard and works on warlocks even gets the paycheck every month? I mean for what? The biggest changes for warlocks in 11.0.5 was Diablo-destro nerf and change of an Icon for Soul rot, when everyone else got some updates. I can ask any AI service to drawn a square icon as well? Maybe Blizz should pay me as well?


There is tho maybe on certain maps you cant do something but there is maps that you can use your port to win games vs double meele if you are decent at fakecasting and positioning if you mean just stand in the middle of the map and turret damage untill you have to port at low hp and complain your healer cant top you then ye not much you can do because of your own missplays.

Isn’t that part of the problem right now with their balancing though. When there’s no dampening, things like dark pact are broken and when dampening is stupidly high, it doesn’t do anything. Then they add modes that have different dampening starts / ramp up speeds and I dunno how its meant to be balanced between all of them.

Yup agree to that

thats the problem though, the skill check on certain specs is much higher than others in SS, warr can ignore positioning, does not have to care about fake casting, can use most mobility at will without caring about their allies or enemies mobility and still see more success than lock or boomy for example

Dampening just need to start to affect the duration of immune abilities.
you have 25% dampening - immune bubble/cloak/iceblock duration is reduced by 25%, so in late games those abilities would be nerfed as normal heals/absorbs

Thats because classes with low skill ceiling normally have a low skill floor too you can play easier classes and its also not true its not like boomy or lock in their current state are much harder to play than fury boomys only cast cyclone and 2x wrath to get into an eclipse the cast times for the majority of these spells is around 1 second.

You are just been biased every spec has it bad vs certain things double meele is just supposed to shut down spriest/lock you act as if you dont have certain games where you can just spam damage on affliction or demo while landing no cc and win games you are not in the lobbies where fury warriors struggle because you play something fury counters.

No a boomy also relies on mobility and if everyone can to them they are forced into bear form… you are oversimplfying it.
Truth is that in the past we had high risk high reward classes but now every ssn there is always a low risk high reward spec like DH last ssn or fury arms etc…
You cannot deny it takes more effort to climb as warlock then it is as DH or warr ofc assuming its not busted.

Stop waste your time on that DK, he is a lost cause.

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You are clearly oversimplifying warrior too as there is a few things good warriors do from bad warriors its the easiest class in the game to pick up but the top warriors are still as good players as many of the other players at the top.

Boomy is currently doing insane burst by jumping around spamming instants during incarn its not harder to do then the warrior rotation and no unless you are talking about 1600-1800 then yes meele is easier to play at them ratings.

You talk like boomy is a high risk high reward class when its just as broken as any spec when it becomes meta.

When warlock is op and meta it is not hard to play as it wins from pure damage and has been proven many times in past expansions your not a better player than others just because you choose to play lock or boomy get over yourself.

Spoken like your point of view is the only point of view to have this mentality is why you think you should be winning and you are not bad at the game it can never be you its always others if you cant climb as warlock right now just reroll or wait untill its broken op again so you can get a new peak and pretend thats the rating you belong at for the rest of your wow career.

I clearly put “unless its busted” there so that you don’t use “but what if its OP” argument but you went on anyway and based your reply on that.
Going extremes is not the correct argument you think it is because you can skew the truth however you want and does not really prove anything.
boomy is not a hard spec but its still way harder then warr or dh by the nature of it being a caster and cyclone being quite important.
This will be my last reply, this is clearly a waste of time and most people here just want to argue and always pick extreme cases to try and prove their points. GL

No its because Fury warrior is currently broken and an S tier meele are you really struggling vs DH right now?

The game does not work like that anymore been a caster as i said before is just a way for you to feel superior out of the 3 hardest specs to play in the game 2 of them are meele.

No you just seem to think you deserve to win over a meele player because you play a caster and it somehow means you are above them.

fixed it for you
btw about the pact - rn i had a random bg guy melt my 5.5m pact(no dampening in bg) in 3 seconds

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