Aerie Peak Alliance Reconnections

Sup dude, it’s Riv (hunter)/Veylia(rogue)/Tamia(priest). Shattered Shard, Anicetus etc. Super long time, Hope you are well!

Hey Kinch, Tamia here.

Hope you are well my dude. Not sure i’ll be on classic but couldn’t resist the chance to say hi!

Hey Tamtam! Feel free to add me: kropek#21969

Hey, I used to be in that guild back in '06 I was a warlock called Atris.
I’d love to join the guild again, thought possibly not as a warlock as it was boring as hell in the end lol.

Dunno if it was you or not, but don’t you have a brother called Darren that you played with who was also a priest - think you guys migrated to Horde on Kazzak during TBC?
Again, may not be you! I was Atris the human warlock you used to duel alllll the time in Goldshire; if it is you.

Hi Atris, sounds great send me a message on discord and I’ll shoot you a link to the server (handle is Harkren#8710)

Hey, I tried messaging you but it says you don’t accept messages from non-friends. My handle is CandyKoRn_85#5299

Thanks I see you; have sent the server address

Hey all used to play this alliance NE hunter back in the old days :stuck_out_tongue: #waves @Kinch @Hijmani

Hey man! So cool you still have the original character. :+1:

My old account is gone but I’m still around. :slight_smile:

The good old days buddy :stuck_out_tongue:

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few of us are playing on mirage raceway if anyone wants to join us

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Hi, Dukannon, levelled through vanilla in a guild called LuckyThirteen and then raided in TBC in a guild called Blacksun.

There are definitely a few names I remember in this thread!

Helfz! Good to see some of the OG crew here :smile:

I’m playing on Nethergarde Keep (horde) if you want to hang out and talk about the good, old days one day :grinning:

/wave Urzula

Hi Kinch! Those screenshots <3

/wave Urzula

Hey Urzie, hope you’re doing fine. :slight_smile:

I’ve stopped playing. Won’t state why because I got banned for 4 days last time I did. ;D

Ambush here. Part of Ad Perpetuam and later Ex Aeternitate. hit me up guys

Human Warlock Munch! I was originally in Sanctity and then in Eat More Cake

Hey, I’m still playing those that might remember me as Evania as mage from the start of the server of AP, still play on Aerie Peak occasionally on alts, but pretty much settled into Classic both WoTLK and Vanilla, looking to see if some of the og AP players are still actually playing WoW.