In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Aerie Peak in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
oh man long ago first guild knights legency or something cant remember all the names but so many nice people , i would love to hear who is stil playing
Scard here. Played in Shattered Shard and Sanctity back in Vanilla. Hit me up!
Evangelos, human priest. I can’t remember the main guilds I was part of but I remember being in Circle of Might. Looking for anyone who may have played with me back then.
Daius Númeri are gathering members old and new on discord. Shoot me a PM if you want the address; username on Discord is Harkren#8710.
If you were not in Daius Númeri, don’t be afraid to reach out; we are accepting anyone who wants to join in and have some laid-back social fun (no heavy raiding this time around).
We are rolling ally on Pyrewood Village
Anyone from Romanes Eunt Domus, Elite Knights or Running Free coming back to Classic? Would be great to reform a guild in Classic.
I used to be in the top guild Eternal Guardians - Gnome mage Vanio
Im so curious of people still alive or any that knows me! Hit me up!
Hiya Malvo, Kazaer here, i’m gonna be playing a bit of classic, would love to join a guild again
(Used to be in Elite Knight and later GM of Running Free)
Stocks here… Ret Paladin… used to be a total scrub guild called Blood Brothers (cringe)…
I remember another Paladin called Goldari, and a Warrior called Beseker…
Anybody out there!?
Used to play this guy, I was such a noob, remember coming to a Kazzak raid with ress sickness. Sorry for that, I was young 
I seem to remember the guild Everlasting Flame while leveling, but cannot remember anybody else. Anybody can fill in the blanks?
Hey Kaz, good to hear you’re still playing! Any ideas on what realm you’re going for?
Kinch here. I used to main a druid and raid with Fate, then Solace.
Not sure how many of you are still around but give me a shout if you want.
I’ll be Kinch on Zandalari Tribe, probably a human rogue. Right now I’m just a “filthy casual”… Kids, careers, family obligations, yadda yadda yadda. 
Found some old screenshots for your viewing pleasure:
This name rings a bell, Scard, a rogue maybe?
I used to play a warlock called Munch
Hey guys! Rejuv (still got her!) and Seregon the Gnome lock here. Mostly raided with Sanctity!
I don’t think somebody will remember me, only dutchies
Ocian - Night elf hunter
Avara - Night elf druid
OMG is see myself on the pictures
I did not know the guild name anymore. But now i know it was Fate.
I am not sure which server i am going to play on.
Players in the pictures who i still have as an contact: Helfz and Raive
Hope to see a lot of you old guildies back. 
What do you have in mind? I think i’ll start alliance on Mirage Raceway (normal realm) and horde on Pyrewood Village (normal). But i’m open for anything tbh 
Certainly was - Night Elf Male! I recognise the name Munch as well, what race/guild were you in?
Played as a Night Elf druid called Koru, I was part of the guild Crouching Tigers.
One of my fondest memories from those times was when another druid in the guild called Zeretar spent all day taking me to Westfall from Darkshore for the water form quest.
Good times.