A group of 10 players from an ex EU-Outland raiding guild, currently 5/12 mythic.
Looking to fill out a mythic roster to carry on progression. Main values we’re looking for in recruitment are commitment, communication, willingness to learn and to jump in discord for a social chat every now and then. Mythic experience, max cape level and 470+ IL would be beneficial. Our goal is to continue progression either until N’zoth is dead or until pre-patch.
Old raids times were Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 & Sunday 20:00 - 23:00.
If you have any interest drop a message below or search for the community Army Of The Cone.
Backstory: Just an explanation as to how we’re in this situation and why we’re all keen to continue progression.
Starting at Hivemind, there was a clear divide in players willing to put in the effort and those who weren’t. These issues were extended through to Xanesh and include; 30+ minute late starts waiting on people to join the raid, frequently pugging players to cover for no shows, players not willing to put in the effort to learn their specs resulting in weak performances, people wanting to bring alts to a progression night and players not willing to spend time outside of raid to further understand raid boss mechanics.
A meeting was held with the GM and a few consistent players to talk about these issues (including myself). A topic in the meeting was a possibility of setting up a new core raid team to separate those putting in the effort to progress from those who showed little interest. There were no issues from the GM on the night of the meeting, so one of the players included started gauging peoples interest with in the guild. Whether it was down to miscommunication or misunderstanding, the player asking the questions was pulled aside 2 days later by the GM as there were reports that certain players and officers didn’t approve, which resulted in him getting kicked.
This decision has divided the guild where some of the reliable core raiders don’t see how progression can be achieved in a guild that isn’t willing to make changes. Rather than going our separate ways we want to continue with our current progression and a community seems the most effective way of doing this so late in to the expansion. Our long term goal is to create a new guild going in to Shadowlands with like minded players.
TLDR: A decision made caused the progression raid team to fall apart in the guild. The more serious players effected from the fallout still want to progress with in a community rather than fall apart.