[A][EU][Doomhammer] Dark Company - casual raiding/social guild LF Non cloth DPS

A new guild built by a couple of friends returning back to retail after few expansions break - ex high level raiders too old for a full schedule and serious tryharding.

We are currently recruiting for our raiding team with goal to build a small group of like minded players that can learn and work together progressing through normal and heroic raid difficulty. The eventual goal is to reach AotC while having fun.

Recruitment status: open for any non-cloth DPS

We raid on a Thurs at 8 PM server time and finish around 11 PM. There are no dedicated days for M+ pushing however we do have members currently running in that content. We are also open for social spots.

If you are interested, you can reach us out on Discord: _neria / leon502

Or Bnet - leon501#2740