[A][EU][Silvermoon] <Elune Truthers> (Nerub-ar Palace 8/8HC) - Heroic Only guild looking for DPS and Healer

Elune Truthers are a guild mostly made up of Mythic raiders who are looking for a more casual approach to the game. Each raid tier we clear Heroic to get AotC and then once everyone is happy they have everything they want from the raid we will stop until the next tier. We are currently looking for DPS and a Healer. Raid days vary depending on availability of raiders (we poll each week to see the best days for everyone) 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time which is generally reduced to one day per week once the raid is on farm.

Feel free to contact via this post or add me on BNet: Kyrinov#2612

Hi looking for a heroic guild. I can guarantee attendance of 5 days a week. Work 24 hours shifts Fri and Tues. Not raided for a while fell out slightly with the storyline more than anything. I am on hols ATM but have my laptop to gear up. Will be raiding on PC.

I will be in the UK on the 22 but away with work for one week. Then 29th on will be ready to raid. Sorry for long intro but I rather be honest from the start

Raided as tank, fury and arms even penetration ughhhhhh spec. Did go Pally tank in WOTLK but who didn’t Raided vanilla upto Sargeras heroic kill when it was current content. Not raided really since then but looking to join a heroic guild. Willing to try Mythic but not that important to me.

Want some fun raiding and other game content



Just noticed logged in on thegimble from another server. Silvermoon ygimble is level 80 item level 578

Update: We’re now also looking for a healer, preferably with the ability to DPS if needed.


im looking for a heroic raiding guild.

Everything you guys are planning lines up pretty well with what i want out of the game, so i’d be glad if you still have space :slight_smile:

I’m currently 585 ilvl, consumes are bought, videos on all the bosses watched :wink:

I don’t have a lot of raiding experience to be honest, but am pretty good at most games i ever played and always ready to learn.

Tom#211665 - Bnet


DH Dps here. Recently moved to EU servers due to relocation and you guys seem to be the kind of guild I’m looking for.

Can play most days 20:00 to 23:00 server time, and have experience raiding in all raids apart from the past 2 expansions :slight_smile:

Hit me up in game or at HBOD #2333 if you think we can match.

i added you via bnet.

Unfortunately we’re now full on melee DPS. We still have some spots available for Ranged DPS.

We are now recruiting a healer again!

Still currently looking for a healer to progress through Heroic!

Heroic Nerub-Ar Palace is now cleared, we are still looking for DPS players.

Currently looking for a few DPS and a Healer!