Aff needs buffs and a few changes

I know tuning is still to come, massive copium (probably as much as thinking any dev reads the EU forums), but Aff really needs buffs.

Also, remove Haunt. It does not feel good to press and is an extra button adding to the bloat when you have Oblivion and Malevolence to press. I thought we were removing button bloat. My opinion.

And finally, I personally would love to see Soul Flame return. That talent looked and felt good in AOE. Once again, my opinion.

Someone made the suggestion that Soul Rot has the effect on Drain Soul instead of Drain Life. Tuning obviously.


it does need the malefic rapture to hit others on sides this now is really bad since affliction doesnt have aoe


My biggest concern is 1seed instead of 3x seed,you either revert it or make aoe range 3x if not more.
SoulFlame should also make a return,it was good ability and fit for aff concept(id rather have that over aoe shadowbolt

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“A master of shadow magic who specializes in drains and damage-over-time spells”

If you have decided that the spec must die like this by now, then change its description to “Master in malefic rapture and shadow bolt that produce damage based on the number and not the damage of damage-over-time spell on a target”

I don’t want to be polemical, but we all expected a rework of the affliction after years of almost abandoning the spec and a theme that was increasingly lost over time. The spec is even more dependent on the massive use of Malefic Rapture (more talents to enhance the spell, and it is not clear why, as far as demonology is concerned, we opted for the “momentum” discussion for the demonic core while for Malefic Rapture it is okay to you burn your finger no matter how many times you spam).

The drain soul is much weaker than the shadow bolt (add ability to get shards when channeling? Increase DOT damage while channeling? Increase DOT speed during channeling? Casting the spell on the move during night fall? You can do a thousand things, we’ll give you the ideas
), the grimoire of sacrifice is often inevitable due to the fragility of the demon while despite the other option being much superior, and above all the total lack by Drain Life really amazes me in the negative.

The spec, however, is excessive in the setup and in the number of skills required to start generating a minimum amount of damage, unlike classes that in a global produce crazy amounts of damage.

On a graphic level as well as sound effects (the sound of agony seems like the noise of a gun in a cartoon) the spec is still about ten years old and maybe more, the new moral coil is very nice and we thank you, but it would be better extend these things to other spells.

I continue to maintain that the animation of Soul Harverster is really bad and extremely impactful, surely someone will like it but since there is the possibility of modifying the demons from the barber shop (why not from the demon trainer? It would be more thematic
) why not be able to modify also these things thanks to objects that can be obtained with quests etc or glyphs?


Well said! Drain Soul should replace shadow bolt like incinerate does for Destro. It should generate soul shards and when proccing nightfall you should be able to channel whilst moving.

Also, our main dots should be UA, Agony, Corruption, and Soul Rot.

Phantom Singularity and Oblivion for ST. Vile Taint and Soul Flame for AOE. Seed of Corruption for both, but with Sow the Seeds effect.

EDIT: I know we have ‘shared fate’ in the Soul Harvester talents, but you can change this so it empowers your soul flame. An extra bit of damage in AOE.

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PErsonally i belive Affliction lost AOE and have not much aoe dmg compare to Demo and Destro
 why taking away from usage of malefic rapture aoe to secondary targets and replacing it with dmg to those who have dot
 doesnt make sense the time u spend on putting those dots is time wasted
before u could cast malefic rapture 
 Blizz use brain


We have same spender both aoe/st which is hard to balance,i do have issue spreading corruption in keys and i don’t like it.
Its like affliction is devolving


Thats my point, not only that we have this talent that pops aoe dots few of them at same time but it has high coold down and long cast
maybe add rain of plauge or something blizz xD it does feel like affliction devolving or m

I think they should also just make drain soul act as drain life too like it were in legion, they already nerfed drain life to useless enough to almost remove hotbars so they might bake it into drain soul again too.

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it could be merged with soul rot and drain life slightly empower it that if it heals u over max health give u some shield or buff, and be able to cast it aoe if certain requirements are met or talents chose

Sadly the changes they made by the removal of the talents that gave it value to use as affli over other two specs, they have now rendered it to state that the bind is no longer nessecary in hotbars, it needs severe buffs for affli to be even worth a bind as a heal now. It does as little as it does for the other specs, you channel it once for 4 sec and get like 20-50k heal which is just ludicrous if i have 2mil health. They have made the ability complete useless now even for the only spec its meant to be used as. With its current state it could aswell serve as minor passive heal with drain soul if baked into the spell like it were in legion.

well thats blizzard stupidity for you and some pvp people who moan its too strong or this or that because it happens

Well I dont know about that but I do see they do not understand how drain life has been a iconic spell of affli and its gameplay as drain tank which it isnt any longer so I wonder what even is its purpose anymore when i can do dmg on demo and destro too. Affli were always about draining while dots do dmg, now its casting some malefic raptures to do dmg and dots are more of a builder and drain life rendered to useless so i cant even find the purpose of the spec anylonger. They just ruined it with this drain life becoming useless.

Affli does crazy damage, but we need a better defensive scalings or at least more mobility.
Locks are almost helpless against melee comps rn.

This post aged bad

Nah. I still stand by some of the comments.

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There weren’t any substantial warlock tuning since pre patch, your entire “affliction needs buffs” is based on nothing, even on beta affliction did crazy numbers.
There is no button bloat also, affliction feels pretty smooth.

Did you actually read the whole post or just the headline? It also included a ‘wish list.’

Things change. Aff is doing great damage now. Not all post age like a fine wine.

Daddy chill!

He is a bit
you know (he is on mute ages ago)

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Im mostly the raid player, and there are no crazy numbers at all, on any spec