Afflction Dragonflight

The buff your filler playstyle is just bad. Dec bolt + withering bolt + calamitous cresento + malefic wrath are just not fun to play around and funnel your build so much to single target. It would need to be extremely higher in st dps than anything else to make it worth being forced into using your filler, because by default you can use your filler all the time, so movement heavy fights or fights with even one more target make it bad.
Soul tap is also weird to me, a no cd(maybe thats to be added) spell that sacrifices soul leech, idk how that can be ok.
Soul swap is whatever, i dont think it will ever be used. Shadow priest had that same spell,damnation, with no cost and it used their spender and its only used in pvp.
Deathbolt is also smth of the past when you could stack UA. It would need some major tuning/buffing for it to make sense and maybe 3 shard cost is too much.
The same is true for the darkglare cd. Without UA stacking its very lackluster and even more so in aoe. Maybe if its beam was aoe. It definitely needs some slight rework.
Darksoul misery is also something that will be missed, it just made the cd usage a lot smother, although if you dont pick darkglare, do you even have a cd?
I like the aoe side of the aff tree but being forced to filler dmg stacking for st is just not fun or good in any way. Maybe malefic wrath can be a stacking buff like bfa azerite power that gave haste or smth that buffs your dmg passively. A maintenance buff that also requires casting smth else that is also only st is so bad.


Again and again, we have to use UGLY, BAD Malefic Rapture…

Why would you not use soulswap? It’s a superb talent.

Personally, I think Aff is looking good and actually builds nicely on the current tier set and Covvy abilities.

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i think one great change for fillers would be to use drainsoul and shadowbolt , also maybe that the tree could start with an option for UA stacking or Mr , Would be nice to see an alternative to the rupture playstyle

In the last few tiers I cant think of any boss that it would be too usefull, expect maybe killing council’s attendats, but so many other classes and specs would be better to do it without sacrificing a talent and a soulshard.
Without snapshoting its dead.

I am very jealous of warlocks. Imagine the mage talent trees were half as cool… They also didn’t even just copy paste the covenant stuff, but changed the theme around those. Very jealous of you all as a mage… Wish the warlock designers could just sit down on a table with the mage ones, and talk sense into them…

the reason why they r not doing this copy paste with the covenant abilities is that they suck in general for warlock , most warlocks are nightfae cause of soulbind stat boosters .

but yes mages are also still in progress. The thing that warlock players hoped for was a playstyle without MR for aff and also the old demo version .

but lets c still alpha all classes are in progress. also we get tier set boni on first patch also.

I like the soul Rot legendary effect in the tree. Paired with the haunt tree and even Deathbolt. Could be nice burst for pvp, then add the Dimensional Rift Talent.

It’s three globals in one and removes the cast time of UA. Perfect for boss opener (especially when lusting on pull!) as it lets you get to your spender quicker. Also useful for a quick dump of dots on a prio add or whatever.

Also useful for PvP, again with no UA cast to be kicked.

So for me it’s one of our best abilities that should never have been removed.

I strongly doubt its worth a shard during an opener, unless they make MR be so bad that a shards power becomes low. For me its only use its fast target swapping and nothing else.

For pvp or is really good.

I’m happy with the trees, other classes are still getting a lot of changes.

The only change i want to see is, soul link and GoSac can be used together for more hp. Then if you pick the silence your command Demon ability from the Felhunter is purge.

Oh forgot about Creeping Death… replace it with Death’s Embrace.

Xavian Teachings should be baseline and in its place should be Rapid Contagion.

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I would love to see this so much !

I also wonder whether the pet talents might have special interactions with grimoire of sacrifice or not

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