Affli nd its current state

This is probably going to be controversial af, but as someone who has been playing warlock as main since the Vanilla and is really unhappy with its current state I’ll suggest one thing:

Change the affli to a full support spec. Opposite of Augi. Curses, slowing spells on groups of enemies, limiting their dmg, sucking the life out of them and healing for our group, pet can stay as dps…

We’re Warlocs. We do NOT stand in the front row. We make others do our dirty work for us and literally suck the life out of our enemies. Slowly but surely.

Please make warlocks fun again.

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;D yeah,no thanks.
Aff has never been better playstyle,we just need some % tweaks and maybe add some soulburn addition like insta dots or insta SoC.

Word! Love the inclusiveness of curses in the Hero Talents

Also f Malefic Rupture

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