With the change to Malefic Rapture spam playstyle (Which I personally think is a terrible class design) the ramp up time is even longer than before with Vile Taint + Seed of Corruption + Unstable Affliction + Haunt and then start pressing Malefic Rapture, if mobs are still alive.
I havent really seen anyone that likes Malefic Rapture playstyle and there have been many other ways Affliction has been played in different expansions and every time Blizzard rework the spec it so drastic in a different way every time.
Some examples of where affliction spec was good was in MoP and Legion in my opinion.
Now the spec feels like its not even a dot spec just a modifier spec for Malefic Rapture.
Why cant there be a single spec in the game that is pure dot spec with drains/shadowbolts?
Hope this is the last expansion Malefic Rapture is ever heard of.
In Legion aff was good thx to the broken artefact weapon and the traits…Also MR will not be removed because this is the thing that can give affliction some short burst.
When I saw the Soul Harvester I really thought it would be based around inevitable demise + mass drain life since it would make a alot sense and would be really cool. Yet it got removed from the game lol.
I don’t know what is going on with warlock to be honest. While the class itself is very avaliable to add some cool stuff, the changes and updates been made since legion are very dull and uninspiring.
Malefic rupture is not there because it is the only way to give some burst - that can be done in many ways. It is just there to give devs easier time to balance / tune the spec.
DOT spec is now rapture spam spec, playing warlock since legion, and in legion it was really a DOT spec, like it should be. For now - aff is got terrible unplayable mechanics of spamming rapture. I thought that HellCaller will be a classic dot play style, but no…
The incomprehensible thing is that in alpha/beta they released a blue post where they explained that their intentions for Malefic Rapture was to make it less central to the gameplay economy of the affliction.
They subsequently added talents to enhance it more and more, and not only that, the two bonus sets make its use even more central. Note that for demonology they changed the proc rate of demon cores to 35% to dreadstalker because they wanted the demon bolt to be “a momentum”. Instead malefic rapture for them must be perennial
Multiple specs have (hero) talents that drastically change the gameplay. I believe we can do this for MR as well. maybe let Oblivion replace it, remove the cooldown, and drain all shards you have available.