Affliction NEEDS a nerf

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re all enjoying the new expansion as much as I am. I have to say, this launch has been one of the best in terms of PvP balancing we’ve seen in a long time. The developers have really outdone themselves with the adjustments and overall balance this time around, and it’s clear that they’re dedicated to providing a fair and competitive environment.

However, there’s one area that I think still needs a bit of attention: Affliction Warlocks. While I understand that every class has its strengths and weaknesses, it seems like Warlocks are currently a bit too dominant in PvP scenarios. Their sustained damage and insane burst with shadowbolt are making it quite challenging for other classes to compete effectively.

I’d like to request that the developers consider implementing some nerfs for Warlocks to bring them more in line with the other classes. This isn’t a criticism of the class itself or the players who main it—it’s just about ensuring that the PvP environment remains balanced and enjoyable for everyone.

That said, I want to emphasize how impressed I am with the overall direction of this expansion. The balance changes we’ve seen so far have been spot on, and I really appreciate the effort and responsiveness from the dev team. Let’s keep this momentum going and make sure that all classes have a fair chance to shine in the PvP arena!

Thanks for your attention, and happy battling!


It’s not about Affliction itself. It’s about how strong Soul Harvester is for Affliction. They need to nerf instant Shadow Bolts. Then if Affliction rolls Hellcaller it will be way healthier and more in line with it’s playstyle.

At the same time I would like them not to nerf Soul Harvester for Demo as it’s the only thing that makes this spec playable.

Affliction should never have such direct damage it does now.


The DOTS Need a nerf!

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That’s exactly my point ! The fact that they can shadowbolt instant for 1.5M while having spread pressure and being a lock ( plenty of cc and defensives ) Is way too good, no wonder pretty much everyone Is playing It.


The Selfheal and Mobility needs a HUGE nerf

for soulharvester dots are hitting for 37.5k each / 1.5s (friendly reminder we’re talking about 6m hp pools)
100k dps insane rot pressure
bolts are 700k default with 1m non-crits with ALL procs alligned (nightfall + intproc trinket +int-use trinket + wep proc)
my highest bolt crit was 1.3m, which was with everything combined plus 10% critchance (managed to kill ww 23-0 with haunt+bolt (2 globals) meanwhile melees casually do 1m hits every global)
here is the breakdown from last shuffle
i’m confident blizzard will nerf the bolt damage without buffing the dot damage because aff is supposed to be trash AT LEAST for the first 2 seasons and then it should become barely playable but whatever

the what
its non existant compared to DF, i feel like playing DF destro now
and dk crying about warlocks mobility meanwhile warlocks depend on slows to kite and dks cant be slowed lmao


THis is so untrue. This week in a RSS a lock healed more than 20M in a single round. Lock self heal is simply absurd. Dark Pact alone (and ignoring everything else) right now it’s like 100% or very close to it of the lock HP, which is simply senseless.

Lock self-heal/absorb needs to be tuned.

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they nerfed soul leech to 0.2% down from 0.4%, nerfed pact by 50%(20% for Soulharvester) compared to DF, and most of all, they removed drain life healing at all
i used to top myself if i faked a lot and gained lots of precogs, now all i can do is use the nerfed healthstone (which heals for 40% with soulburn) every minute and pray my healer heals me (spoiler - below r1 no healer will heal aff because it takes twice as much damage compared to other classes in the lobby plus its easier to heal vs 100k dot dps/target than 600k st dps of other classes

i used to heal for the same numbers that my hpala(2.6 exp btw) would, most of the times outhealing him in 2s
now? lol, i cant

so yeah carrying low mmr lobbies will be twice as hard now because of the nerfed sustain

SP is outhealing lock 2x rn

and pact usually lasts for 1-3 seconds max, check ur info before posting
and i also understand that ure playing at the rating where i can 1v3 people(well, COULD in df) but its not the same in higher mmr lobbies


You know what’s a funny thing. When you look at this page
https: //check-pvp . fr/stats?bracket=solo&rating=1800&region=eu
and then compare it to classes of people chosen avatars in this topic. Those are: priest, shaman, mage, DK.

Above 1.8k atm in EU there’s 102 disc Priests, 67 unh DK, 59 frost Mages, and 58 Aff locks. So basically all of those, except for shaman, are doing as good or better than affli.

Just saying, instead of crying about other classes - learn yours. Because statistics clearly say that what’s holding you from reaching higher ranking is definetly not one specific overtuned class. It’s as playable as your own :wink:


While I no longer have the registry from the RSS (but it’s a matter of time until I face another lock, and will post here), but I do have registry of two matches against lock last night in 2v2

This is the lock self-heal detail

A single dark pact use (sitting on 1M cd or less) healed the lock for 5M alone.

In comparison, my healing log:

Has Vampiric Embrace*, which is a 1.5min CD, and requires me to deal a lot of damage for it to heal, healed a total 1.61M.

See the difference here? I’m a hybrid, I use a major CD which requires strategy. The lock is a pure DPS, with better mobility than me, better CC toolkit, insane damage, and it only presses one button and poof, zero effort, 5M heal, on low cd

Next round, another lock, and this is the healing breakdown

Compared to my breakdown:

I was literally on free cast, full burst, during VE. It healed 1.81M. Again, a CD which requires actual intereaction to heal.

So no, SP doesn’t outheal lock 2x - but it SHOULD, you know, since SP is an actual hybrid, and requires multiple CD and hardcasts to heal, instead of a perma passive healing coupled with another non-interative use-while-stunned which will also passively heal the lock without any interaction from the lock itself


I believe dark pact n soul leech counts its shielding as healing for some reason. If we look at arenalogs spriest average hps is 90k followed by enchancement at 87k and affli in third place at 86k. Its certainly not double but spriest does heal more on average.

I dont think its afflis healing that is the problem at all but the fact that its flinging 1.3m instant shadowbolts n if you kick fears it´ll start flinging 1m malefics instead since they are no longer the same magic school.

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Yeah why you need leech at lock, you got more shields an absorb then a disc

I wish they’d buff the healing from VT and DP. It’s already tough enough to get your dps output rolling as Spriest in most cases but having to rely on a CD which requires you to sustain a fluent rotation is even harder…


Absorbs are effectively heals, so discussing semantics is senseless.

Dark Pact prevents 5M damage or more right now. I don’t think I can even heal 5M total with flash heals without going oom, for example.

I have no problems if a spec deals high damage. The issue to me starts if a spec has high damage, high cc, and high survabilty all combined. If a spec has too much cc and great damage, it should have reduced survabilty and be squishier - you know, like rogues and mages used to be in a long distant past

Since when?

Its crazy people complain about locks when stuff like rmp, drakes, dks, Fury, dhs exist.


Are you being ironic right now? I can’t tell

Also, this trhead is about locks, it only makes sense we talk about them. And in no way it is said Fury, etc. are fine.

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Did you somehow came to conclusion fury warrs are Broken after reading this or?

You should finally accept youre the reason why youre rival hardstuck instead of blaming other classes.

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I agree - tanky, big dots and burst - a dot spec with burst
1mil + instant shadow bolts

tank AAF

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Stop being toxic just because people are rightly calling out locks being in need of tuning

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How Is stating truth toxic. I dont even care if people are calling out locks as i dont play one anyway.
Its just pathetic seeing statements such as “game is balanced except affli lock” like did people Miss for example 7 sec rogue cloak (??? Where did that came from), 50 dk grips + like 50 ams+ whole naxxramas as pets. Like there are so many alarming things and people cry about probably the least aids spec in the game.