Affliction Warlock - Medium Scale Rework Proposal - (Quality of Life improvements)

The goal of this proposed medium-scale rework for Affliction Warlock is to introduce long-needed quality-of-life changes. First, to improve flexibility—enhancing multidotting, target swapping, and shard management (especially for Hellcaller), among other aspects. Second, to reduce negative interactions within the kit while maintaining the core identity and flavor of the specialization. Additionally, I hope to inspire discussion and feedback.

I will cover 4 different spells according to two categories:

  • Spell description (explaining the functionality) and interactions
  • The goal of changes plus some additional notes

Seed of Corruption

Spell Description:

-Cast time reduced to 1.5s
-Soul Shard requirement removed

Seed of Corruption (SoC) when detonated will transform into [Sprouting Corruption]. [Sprouting Corruption] will continuously apply Corruption/Wither to unaffected targets within range (in combat).
[Sprouting Corruption] does not refresh Corruption duration on targets, but reapplies it if the DoT falls off

  • [Sprouting Corruption] acts as Corruption/Wither on the main target, it deals the same damage and shares the duration (Both cannot be applied to the same target)

  • Casting Corruption on the the target affected by [Sprouting Corruption] replaces it with Corruption (the goal is to have flexibility of stopping the spread if required)

  • Only one [Sprouting Corruption] can be present at the same time. Detonating SoC on a different target will remove [Sprouting Corruption] from the initial target and leave Corruption there instead.

  • Absolute Corruption also makes [Sprouting Corruption] permanent.

The Goal:
The goal is to improve target swapping by also promoting smart target selection in raids and dungeons. Prevent manual application of Corruption due to some targets being outside of the range of old SoC blast radius. Improve ramp up and remove the frustration of going into packs without Soul Shards

Vile Taint (Phantom Singularity)

Phantom Singularity is removed. Vile Taint will incorporate Infirmity (bonus damage buff) through a choice of Single Target focused talent node.

Spell Description:

-Cast time 1.5s
-30s Cooldown
-Soul Shard requirement removed
-It is not a Targeted Area spell anymore. Now casts on the main target (like Soul Rot) and spreads to surrounding enemies
-No target cap
-Curse of Exhaustion from Vile Taint will no longer overwrite other curses (Tongues, Satyr)

Vile Taint will have a dedicated talent node for AOE and Single Target scenarios.

AOE Talent:

  • Vile Taint also applies Agony to five targets. While targets are affected by both Vile Taint and Agony, each cast of Malefic Rapture will extend the duration of those Agonies by 2.5 seconds (This is done to prevent manual reapplication of Agony and then casting Vile Taint 3 seconds after)

  • If targets affected by both Vile Taint and Agony die, cooldown of Vile Taint is reduced by 4 seconds per target. (This is the quality of life change (e.g.) for lower key M+ where targets die quickly and you are left without Vile Taint)

Single Target Talent:

  • Increases the duration of Vile Taint dot to 15s. Vile Taint applies Infirmity (only) to the main target increasing the damage target receives by 10% (other targets are only affected by Vile Taint dot). Infirmity is not negatively affected by haste like with Phantom Singularity

The Goal:

Is to remove one of the main issues with the modern Affliction Warlock, applying dots in dynamic and hectic environment like M+. More precisely, to remove frustration related to manual Agony application in AOE (But then having Vile Taint 3 seconds later). Also, to have Vile Taint ready even after dealing with fast dieing mobs. And for single target, to provide a consistant damage modifier (that is not reduced with haste), but also to have an AOE dot that interacts with Malific Rapture, unlike Phantom Singularity.

Soul Rot

Soul Rot functions similarly but is an instant cast spell and is related to Haunt. Soul Rot can also be used for target swapping through a dedicated Talent node.

Spell Description:

-Instant Cast
-1min cooldown
-Requires Haunt to be present on the target. And erupts it similarely like Malific Rapture, meaning it does not require direct targeting

  • Shadow of Death (from Soul Harvester) is now baseline. But now it only provides 1 Soul Shard, from 3 previously. This is because both Vile Taint and Seed of Corruption will lose their soul shard requirement.

  • NEW Talent: Soul Rot is now a targeted ability, but it still requires Haunt to be present to activate. --If cast on the target affected by Haunt, it will increase the duration of Haunt and Unstable Affliction and deal extra damage. --If Soul Rot is cast on the other target it will transfer Haunt and Unstable Affliction (if present) and refresh their duration

The Goal:

Reduce the number of hard casts, improve mobility and make shard management more enjoyable, especially for Hellcaller Affliction. And also help with target swaping.

Closing note

I hope that you found this post interesting, please share your thoughts. Do you think these changes would help Affliction Warlock play better?


There is so many suggestions in the class forum both US/EU and Blizzard ignored almost everything. We still have crappy placeholder talents just with inc dmg %…Nothing interesting…


And does 0 DMG. Aff with 4 piece does less than Destro with 0 piece

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With SoulRot you force people to play with haunt talent,tbf i dont like any of the suggestions but thats my opinion on it.

SoulRot 30sec
SoC should still have a soulshard but i’d rather have 3x or aoe big enough like it was with 3 SoC.
Add addition to be casted instant with soulburn! this is a must for a long time now.
Nightfall procs should be castable while moving with Drain Soul.
Soulswap Soulburn interraction to add all dots your target.Or introduce Jinx pvp talent to spec tree.
Grimoire Of Sarcifice like it used to be in mop/wod

Other than that i see no issue with affliction,i strongly believe its one of the best spec to play (gameplay wise ,no dmg) easy fixable with changing 2nods talents or boost %.


The Nightfall proc making Drain Soul castable whilst moving is something I think would add great QoL to the spec.

I have been saying this for ages. Also, bring back Malefic grasp.