Affliction Warlock needs tuning massively

Can we please have the following hot fixes for Affliction Warlock?

  • Shadowbolt damage reduced by 25% in PVP
  • Unstable Affliction dispel damage reduced by 25% in PVP

Delete wartzlock. :joy:

Bm hunter could use some nerfing :thinking:


I always remember a friends words “From 2.4 on warlock is non existant. Only jungle, fury and outlaw rogues”.

But yeah, sure. Nerf it so you can finally reach 1800. :man_shrugging:

its so funny that u actually think that when every top5 bracket ahs atleat1 lock specc but not a single fury i mean i hate fury myself but the fact is u always think lock is bad dude lock is s tier all3 speccs


It’s so funny that you think your opinion on anything matters when you pay for rating on one of the easiest classes in the game


I am not saying lock is bad. I was quoting a friend who finished his season glad.

But why am i even bothering, you won’t understand what i am saying anyways.

So the most broken class at the moment, wants other classes nerfed.
Are you joking ?
Try playing warlock against any melee lobby.
you will get focused and stunned to the point where you cant cast any spells that are not instant cast.
As demo, it´s literally not possible for me to summon any daemons besides the one I have at the start of the shuffle because of stuns, silence and whatever, the melee and hunters can cast at me.
As aff. it´s the sam. I can cast curses, and besides that i am stunned all the time.
Warlocks needs a major boost to their defensive abilities.

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ncie try warlock is the best specc next to mage rog kiddo

They did it.
They nerfed to the ground the drain life spell. Full useless nowadays.
Shadow bolt max crit is 1,2 million with full cd (where black arrow and mortal strikes hit 2,3 millions). WIthout cd, max crit is about 700k.
UA 3x pvp talent nerfed, it has 60% dam reduction.

We live those days where a class was an easy killtarget in prev seasons and now its still an easy kill target and his dmg is equal as other classes like bm and ret, need to nerf it, cause the good affliction player with a good healer is immortal :smiley:

Idk what is your main but im sure about that, i can found something in that class it, what is need to be nerfed :slight_smile:

For a long time I ran 0-6 in shuffle. After I checked a lot of video Jazgg and others Im getting better and better and now i reached 2,1 (not high but I have 2 month exp with affli). Melee ppl have a lot of tunnel vision under 2k, where they just want to train the lock all match. But its not a good choice. Above 2k they dont want me all game, and I lose by 2-4, with long matches, sometimes 4-2, but all the time I can see what I did wrong, or what the enemy did wrong.

(It’s a strange fact, but I really started to improve after I turned off the chat function)

So with affli warlock its everything fine. There are also other classes that are at the end of the tier list, but at a well-caught moment, they put you from 100% to 0. (for example Outlaw or elem)

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