Affliction warlock suggestion

Rework concept for affliction warlock - mostly as affliction just doesn’t exist anywhere in sod and it’s super weird.

Rework nightfall - give it charges

Add a rune to a slot - “Midnight - Nightfall can now proc off all shadow damage over time effects”

Rework soul siphon - “Increases the amount drained by your Drain Life and Drain Soul spells by an additional 6% for each of your Warlock Shadow effects afflicting the target, up to a maximum of 18% additional effect. Also increases the damage of soul drain by X(300ish)% on targets below 35%”

Lastly rework the talent Dark Pact (or make a rune) into - Dark Pact - Instant cast Shadowbolt’s gained through Nightfall and Shadowburn can be cast whilst channeling Drain Soul without interrupting the channel"

All of a sudden you massively open the doors to a shadowrot build that I can imagine on boss fights would be really enjoyable to play. I think it would actually buff the damage once you’ve got rolling considerably. You had dot management and nukes and crit synergy. Especially if you get lots of nightfall procs popping shadowbolts hopefully keeping ISB rolling.

If I had any interest in playing any more I would find this quite a fun and appealing way to play warlock.

Hope you guys like the ideas and suggestions