Afliction countered by top specs

can we address the fact that afli gets countered insanely hard by like 6 specs?
hunters - fake death legendary with 10 sec cd. basically insta leave vs hunters on 2v2
holy paladins - shadow resistance aura ( also the most played healer by far)
warriors - reflect legendary, overwatch, berseker rage, his own reflect, infinite mobility with execute
shamans - tremor, grounding, shear, purge
monks - this pretty much destroys everything so it’s probably not only locks
mages - less dmg from dots 20k shield basically unkillable by a warlock (this also destroys everything)
dks - ams, amz, lichborne


but we have “perma” slow = broken class


15 seconds

Stop crying, Locks are strong! If you are struggling then it is more than likely a l2p issue.

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A lot of non warlocks are calling warlock strong, but it is the class with the baddest def cd in the game.


gets removed.

has been nerfed already, halved.

You seem to be 20-25% off here.

But let’s get real, Warlocks just need a rework … pretty much all specs. I used to like Warlocks, but holy hell, they ruined them professionally.


Its not just affliction, it’s the entire class. I barely am able to kill people my own ilvl on a class I have had 2k ish exp every expansion in every spec leading up to bfa now classes have over time got quality of life improvements to a point that they just have it better.

Affliction has great overall damage but it sucks in this meta because its win condition is just not easy to pull off, demo can survive but it cant kill anyone without consistently outplaying them for an eternity till high dampening and pets are too dumb with AI to be useful. Destro has burst but everything moves 500 mph and you literally spend the entire game just trying to land a few good spells, you can spend 5 mins in arena as destro trying to set up while the other team has already made multiple good gos

I still love the class but omg it does feel awful compared to the meta

50% snare doesn’t really fix that affliction is made of paper and has awful tools for most the jobs it does, it’s only somewhat viable because of priest mind games

  • plus awful covenants , conduits and legendaries, I mean:
    priests have awesome mindgames (priests can craft 2leap legendary and take teotar soulbind to have 2 portals and even awar cant gap close it, they have insta stun, silence, mc, fear, md, ultimate 1.5 cd save that insta stops enemy inc, etc),
    awars - condemn ,spear, good leggos ,
    druids - convoke, frenzy conduit, cool legendaries,
    mages - triple shield leggo, combust auto rune, good conduits
    ww monks - 30 sec burst window lol kekw,
    shamies - good necro covenant, good lava burst leggo, +hp pool from earth elemental conduit, awesome echo talent, enh crazy heal, cool pvp talents
    etc etc

and what warlock has? all covenant abilities are trash or mediocre in comparison, conduits are trash, resolve is 3 min cd and u die in it anyway, leggos are trash in comparison, affli - dot spec relies heavily on 1 ability and dots themselves do 0 damage, demo - master summoner can’t insta summon a single demon + stupid summons AI, destro - 2.6 sec cast and 2 shard cost hits less then some other classes instants, warlock gameplay feels like 30mph on autoban - doesn’t make sense in the current game state.


dont forget they have to think twice before dispelling UA

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perhaps, but there is no need to do so, dots barely tickle.

It’s true that warlock is strong, there are some locks that are very high rated right now.
But it’s just so freaking hard man. It’s super squishy ( you can die to cds even through wall. And affliction is actually the only caster that has to hard cast do deal actual damage.)
The spec feels clunky as hell and we’re always GCD starved.
Dark Soul can get dispelled by shamans / Priests and stolen by mages.

Sure, some guys like chanimal and wallirikz make it look super strong, but it’s so tryhard. In 3s you’re basically kiting non stop and running and kiting, tryharding like a motherf***er to get your dots rolling. It’s really not fun to play.

So yeah, it is somewhat “L2P” but for a player that isn’t very experienced or is returning etc or just enjoys playing warlock and wants to get into arenas the learning part is probably the hardest for any dps spec right now.
Not to mention ( as it has been said a thousand times before ) the gameplay is just awfull.

I hope the armor buff does something for us but I doubt it’ll be enough.

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Don’t think so, now nearly all classes habe enough Magic dmg. So this won’t help that much. We need more def cds baseline or as talent and demon armor and demon skin baseline.

Make netherward non purgeable would be nice, it lasts 3seconds and is countered by what it’s intended to protect against

Let’s be real the paladin talent that makes a magic version of bop is non purgeable for the same reason that it would make it null

Also on darksoul- ether A : non purgeable or B: some other options for facing into match ups would be nice. Creeping death is really lackluster :frowning:

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