Afliction, dealing with trash

U need to get used to your spec. It won’t work with 1 icy veins guide reading and straight to keys for affliction. If u start destro now it will be “i personally prefer destro… few few few, affliction too unconvenient”
Just start affliction and train your skills with it in low keys. Cause currently affliction far ahead of other specs both in raid environment and m+.

This is bad advice. How do you practice if the targets keep vanishing before you’ve managed to DOT them?

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I would suggest installing WeakAura that shows DoTs cooldowns and/or expiration time, preferably with an ability to show pandemic periods (hmmm pandemic seems to sound odd in the time of COVID-19).

But even though you master the spec and you know what to cast, when, and how to use CDs, you cannot do much about trash dying fast, your DoTs can’t do damage on dead targets. If your group is full of specs with instant AoE abilities (and almost every other spec has it), however good you are at the spec, you are on the lost spot.

I have dinged 60 about a week ago and currently doing only low-level dungeons. This is where everything is killed pretty fast. I feel ok about bosses as I usually top the damage. As to trash, the damage falls behind. I don’t think it is a “L2P” issue. If I am bothered, I re-spec to demo but the spec is fun anyway and most of times I stay affliction, regardless.

You form a pre-made group with 140- ilvl :smiley: (Sarcasm)

affli needs like 10 sec ramp-up time and like 6s to boost with 5x rapture. If trash dies faster than 16 sec it won’t matter which spec u’re using.
But hard trying this stuff, u can figure out when to apply 2,3,4 agony, when to use raptue early, how to position yourself during dot applying.
So yes, it is completely fine for practicing and becomes better with key lvl increasing.

Of course it does. I can get 6-8 Chaosbolts off during a Havoc window in less time than that.

U’re starting with 3 shards ~3 sec to build up shards cap + 1gcd for havoc + 1,6x6 for chaos bolt with haste buff. Almost same numbers. Only way to burst numbers fast pre cast cataclysm + demonfire.
I don’t see that huge difference

I am testing two talents: Dark Caller and Haunt. So let’s say I selected Dark Caller to avoid an extra GCD. I’ve been playing this spec for a week or so since I’ve reached 60, so I might be wrong in details but here’s what I found out.

Let’s assume SoC lands when a tank pulls 5-pack. I need 7.5 secs to cast Agony on the whole pack. Then I spent 1.5 sec on Unstable Affliction. No Haunt so this is followed by another 1.5 sec from Vile Taint. I should have 3 Soul Shards for Malefic Rapture + at least one from Agony I cast so let’s assume 4 Malefic Raptures. So, in summary:

Time to spend = 1.5*5 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 4*1.5 = 16.5 secs

If you add Haunt to that, you need extra 1.5 secs and 1 sec due to imperfect casts. You might add extra time as SoC never lands perfectly with a tank pull. Also, in lower-level dungeons:

  • Everything dies in a fraction of that time, plus
  • Agony has not enough time to develop damage
  • A target with Unstable Affliction dies and it is either pointless to recast it or there is nothing to recast it on
  • You may not even get to that point to cast Malefic Raptures.

I am not saying to avoid Affliction because it can be really rewarding! If I don’t see strong AoE melees, I still remain Affliction. I am just saying that if my numbers are low, there may be another reason for that rather than “L2P”. The TBC Timewalking dungeons were much better for that. Everything took longer to kill and it was there where I tested the spec.

From my short experience it does! In low-level dungeons, since I don’t know anything about Destruction, I always use Demonology as long as I decide to re-spec: Dreadstalkers (talented) uncap AoE damage; Hand of Gul’dan (I guess uncap) AoE damage; Implosion uncap AoE damage, etc. You spend less time on the AoE while pulling higher numbers.

Havoc lasts 12 seconds… Usually there’s a couple of seconds left on it after unloading everything.

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