Afliction, dealing with trash

I needed a break from tanking so dusted off my warlock.
I hit 60 about 2 weeks ago and have been working on my gear. I’m up to ilvl 187 and trying out some mythic dungeons, no mythic+ yet.

When it comes to bosses, I’m mostly coming out top, but outside the bosses, I feel like I’m being carried by the rest of the team. Dealing with the trash mobs, my DPS/damage is generally bottom.

I not too sure what I should be doing with my AoE, it would best be described as a frenzied panic.

For 2-3 targets, I try to keep Siphon Life, Agony and Corruption on all targets, along with Phantom Singularity if possible. Spamming Malefic Rapture when ever I can.

But for 4+ targets, I’m not too sure what to do.
I start off with seeds of corruption, should I also be trying to put Life Tap and Agony on everything?
Sometimes I spend some much time tab dotting, that I forget to Malefic Rapture.

Can anyone help me with my rotation?

Youtube - BamesJond

(aff sucks at aoe)

If aff aoe sucks, should I just keep my single target build?

Do any other specs doing better in mythic+?

Aff’s AOE is good, but it only starts to shine in higher keys. You’d be better off playing destru or demo for low to mid keys.

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ok so, ive done all M15 as aff so i can tell u my experience.
aoe sucks… i dont use syphon life, the less spells u have the better,
I use Absolute Corruption, that way i use 1 seed of corruption and dont have to worry about it for the rest of the fight.
Also use vile taint, 20sec cd for aoe dot is very good.
Now the annoying part is, putting Agony on mobs, basicaly what i do is, I pop Dark Soul (for the haste, it lower the global cd on spells) and i start spaming TAB+AGONY, i TAB untill i see that the mob already has agony, that means all mobs have it than i pop dark glare+trincket and start malefic ruptring.

Now the problem is that it takes ALOT, ALOT of time to do that. and when u start actualy attacking the mobs they are already dead. thats why we “suck”.
Everyone else just punchs the keyboard and puff “top dps”


Don’t listen to these people, lmao. Saying aff aoe sucks just speaks volume about their knowledge of the current state of the game/ aff locks.

As the person above suggested, just play Destro or Demo until you start getting into higher keys. Aff is doable in m0 and low keys as well, but just play Absolute corruption and Vile taint + Dark caller (you can also play Haunt if you want a bit more boss/prio target damage altho it wouldnt rly matter in low keys and m0). Absolute corruption + VT is to save yourself some globals as packs will die very fast in general on keys below 16-17, and even on those if your other dps are rly good and well-geared they will still be at around 50% when you start actually casting raptures.

Aff scales with key level. The higher the key - the more aff starts to shine. You can even play siphon life in keys above 18-19 and blast. Another good build is to stick wtih absolute corruption but take phantom singularity + haunt. Aff is flexible in talents for m+ in general.

Saying aff aoe sucks is just… no comment… our aoe takes a lot more work to pull off than other classes, true, but that does not make it “suck/bad”. Our aoe is actually currently among the strongest in the game, with only fire mage and hunters topping us.

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Yeah that’s exactly what it means, stop embarrassing yourself. Numbers aren’t everything, it doesn’t matter that you sim 1 million dps on aoe, if the pack is dead before you can set it up it amounts to zero.
More often than not you’re forced to play around other people’s cooldowns, you can’t take advantage of pride and general awkwardness especially on tyrannical weeks.

Why am I embarassing myself exactly? Because I say that warlock can and DOES perform well in m+ on higher keys? As I said multiple times, if you compare aff in low keys to other classes, sure, it does suck, but that doesn’t mean it overall sucks in M+.

But I guess it’s really hard to read what other people write. You are the one embarassing yourself here, if you can’t pull aff off then it is a you problem, not the class overall. As I’ve suggested above, you can check streams of other warlocks to see how they are playing, record your own gameplay, learn from mistakes and how to MAKE it work.

If you don’t enjoy that warlock takes more work than other classes then by all means, why not reroll? I also think it’s tedious at times, especially if you run SL in keys, but on 18-19 it is pretty doable and you actually do a lot of damage and can compete with hunters etc.

If you think “oh i cba looking at others’ cds” then you are a bad player. Part of playing M+ is planning your cds so you don’t all pop them at the same time and then go dry for the next pack or two… Embarassing, he says

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the problem is exactly that lol “high keys”.

most ppl are stuck under M10. a few a stuck at M10-13. some are doing 1 m14 for the vault and some try m15 for the mount, thats is like 90% of the players the other 10% do M16+

it is a problem if the spec is only good on the top of the leader, how are u gonna farm gear todo m17/18 if u arent “viable” for the lower ones

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Play one of the other specs.

thats even worse, why would u switch to aff after having all the rouble farming gear with destro/demo, just stay on the spec u already know how to play.
its realy bad scale/desing from blizz.

You have 3 options. If you want to gimp yourself in low level dungeons, that’s fine. There is an alternative, though. It’s not bad scale or design.

sure but look at the title lol, we talking about how to affliction. not how to lock.

Yeah, exactly. This is why most of us have all given him the same answer.

Affliction aoe is not bad if the mobs live long enough for you to get through your rotation, with that being said, you might wanna hold off on affliction and go detsro till you get to +14 and higher.

But here’s a vid for a rotation. Personally i use PS instead of VT.

Your lack of self awareness is astonishing, especially since everything you wrote after this kinda proves that you either didn’t read what everyone else is saying and just got triggered when you saw “aff aoe is bad” or you just failed to understand.

Thanks for all the replies.

If I wanted to use another spec for low lvl keys, which comes out on top, Destro or Demon?

I used Demon to lvl, but I havn’t played a Destro lock since Legion.

They’re both kinda similar. Just pick whichever you prefer the feel of. Maybe destruction has a slight edge with a Havoc window every 30 seconds.

… Just because some people write it doesn’t make it true, aff is a blaster in high keys. The problem is probably you and your skills at the game

Right, the classic “L2P” response, should have seen it coming from the likes of you, pathetic to the very end.

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