After a year the result is disappointing

After a 1 year play

There is no pvp balance
There is no pvp class balance
There is nothing to do in pvp
And with the new shoulder enchants pvp balance goes even worst.

There is no fun in pve, it’s the same thing over and over again at its easiest ever
There is no challange
World buffs kills the game , remove all world buffs from the game .

Result , sod losing more players in each phase .
And there is no hope for a fix .


You got all that in SoM.

Personally i did not touched that version of the game simply because no world buffs.

I like the higher dmg numbers :slight_smile:

The PvP minigame is officially not a priority of the season; the devs explicitly stated that it would not be balanced or tended to. What did you expect?

All of this applies to Vanilla even more. The content in SoD is just like in Vanilla but ehanced with better rotations and countless minor improvements, which is exactly what the devs strived to achieve.

SoD as a whole is a very successful experiment even despite the scuffed AQ launch. And please do not use the “players leaving” card. Players always gradually leave as an expansion progresses towards its end, it’s how WoW works.

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Kinda agree with you there.
They made 3 new pvp events which was ok if there were no lagg issues or layer issues on them. I actually enjoyed stv event in the begining when it was new and fresh in p2.
Same with ashenvale event.
In the begining of sod they promised not to use old raids and enchant them a little. But it ended up being same old raids.
I think changes to mc was fine, bwl was fine for the most part and aq is just meh.
They somehow made aq the most hated raid to even be worse.
Now we getting 2 new instaces last phase, but i have very little faith right now it will be good.
My guilds dissbaned and many have quit already sadly.

And still they nerfed/buffed classes because of pvp…

Kinda weird imo

They can never balance sod pvp in its current state, I don’t think they want to anyway. As a player who only does pvp, sod has no appeal to me, it is a completely unsuccessful project in terms of pvp, in my opinion.

The most balanced and successful version in terms of pvp in the history of wow was Burning crusade, the arena experience was almost perfect, bg’s were also very enjoyable.

If they have a project like classic plus after sod, they can use the classes and spells in burning crusade as they are, the pvp experience in tbc has been tested, balanced, reached its best, not complicated, simple and understandable, after tbc, they brought new spells and new features to the classes in every expansion, so the balance between the classes was disrupted more and more each time, and the addition of new classes like dk or monk or other classes ruined things even more, so tbc was the most successful in this respect.

When sod was first announced, I had a hope that it could be a pvp experience like in tbc and with this hope I played sod for a year but unfortunately things didn’t work out as I expected, I had my worst pvp experience in sod. If I were Blizzard, I would completely reset the class designs and runes in sod and integrate the classes and spells in tbc into sod as they are and bring back arena and other pvp bgs …

Yes its limited how good it can be with 4 devs working on 3 projects, classic cata, classic fresh and SoD

And according to the roadmap 2025 the season is about to end anyway.
Let‘s see what they have in store this november for us.

yeah SOD is absolute dog

For me SoD was never going to be perfectly balanced, same as every other WoW related thing/Xpac.

The people who expected it were delusional at best. And the legends that compare Classic Vanilla to SoD while calling Classic “Balanced” clearly have no understanding of the word.

In PvE if you are not a War, Mage, Rogue then you have no reason to partake.

In PvP 99/100 times you are dying to a Rogue who has Retail lvl cds and you have close to nothing.

The good points of SoD were the set bonuses and class changes. They did experiment and a lot of it came out very well.

The bad sides are that they just copy pasted SoM raids and all the “Events” they made kinda sucked. The only ok one turned out to be the Ashenvale on that came out first. And even today its bugged to no ends.

Had SoD gotten a real dev team and budget ? Different story. As it stands now, it has the highest of highs and some of the lowest of lows.

It’s just the way I like it, except from premades Vs pugs