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Retconning things is anything but “rich lore” and creates huge plot holes. While in theory is could have worked, for example the Nathrezim were agents of Daddy D, but just made a mess. They were awesome as a race that became Demons. Now it turned out, they are “Death beings” whatever that means
Seriously, what are they? Sapeshifter, posessor, demonic, respawning, hard to kill… whats? Till Shadowlands it was clear what they were. Portal Keeper Hasabel described Nathreza, their home world as “once a world of magic and knowledge, now a twisted landscape from which none escape”. So it worked nicely they were akin to the Eredar of Argus, just older, then became corrupted and Demons
Sure this sentece works with the curent lore, since the Nathrezim “colonized” Nathreza, so it is totally possible, it was indeed once a world of magic and knowledge, just the Unseen Guests arrived uninvited then wiped out the original inhabitants.
Works? Yes. Was necesarry? No.
This is just an example.
The whole Jailer and Runecraver, Helm of Domination and Frostmourne, Ner’zhul, the whole 4 D chess like plans within plans within plans is so complicated and insane, it shouldn’t even work to begin with!
It was just dumb luck the Legion found the Orcs, and the whole Lich King plot of the Jailer was a complicated mess
What was the plan actually?
Make a Herald, who would deliver a Wold Soul, preferably Azeroth the strongest one, but weaken enough to be used and use another one to broke the Arbiter to have souls in the Maw
Considering the SL connects ALL realites and time line, this is idiotic, not to mention, if the Natrezim, the Legion’s top dogs along side with the Eredar were his agent… then he had a whole pantheon of world souls and Sargeras (who collected them for personal use)
The whole Shadowlands was an unnecesarry chaotic retconfest
Not to mention, in an RPG - sure this is my two cents - there are three things you don’t want to explore, because of the potential problems:
Time Travel
Since we know, common folks showed up in oribos, the “great truth” is basically out, Afterlie exist… and your designated afterlife depends on your deeds and a decision previously a Construct now some fellow who had confidence issues and naive as a brick.
By all means Azeroth now should convert in to a planet wide Death Cult, since we know (and not just the heros, common folks) what realom awaits to whom? You are now able to cheat the system. Your life is what? Nothing compared to the eternity of Afterlife.
Not to mention knowledge always kills Faith
Sir Terry Pratchet wrote: “Most witches don’t believe in gods. They know that the gods exist, of course. They even deal with them occasionally. But they don’t believe in them. They know them too well. It would be like believing in the postman.”
Just the tip of the iceberg if you asks me, SL is a damage to the Lore that is impossible to fix.
As a rolepayer a nightmare, trust me
Of course, this is just my oppinion, others might not agree
That is old news actually, not something Shadowlands brought in to the Lore, SL just made Helya one of the Jailors “pupets”. Before that, she had a personality, a story.
Helya was originally a gifted titan-forged sorceress who battled the forces of the Old Gods under the leadership of the keepers, the adpoted daughter of Odyn, who helped Highkeeper Ra crafting the Elemental Plane as a permanent prison for the Elemental Lords and their minions. Odyn not trusted the Dragons, and wanted his own personal army. Since no one was willing to make this sacrifice, Odyn decided he would need to create his servants by force. Helya objected, and the argument between her and Odyn grew so heated that she threatened to return the Halls of Valor to Ulduar. Seeing Helya’s disobedience as a threat to his plans, Odyn shattered her physical form, twisted her spirit into the first Val’kyr, and ordered her to begin ferrying vrykul souls from the Shadowlands as well as transform other unwilling vrykul into Val’kyr
Helya nursed resentment against Odyn for thousands of years, until the day Loken, a keeper who had been influenced by Yogg-Saron, reached out to her and promised to free her if she turned against her master. Helya used the same magic that had been used to lock the Elemental Plane to seal Odyn and his Valarjar army inside the Halls of Valor and then decided herself to become the caretaker of vrykul souls in her new realm Helheim.
What Shadowlands did? Added her story that Mueh’zala introduced Helya to Zovaal the Jailer and recruited her to his side…
Wow… what a great addition.
Totally against her tragic story and personality, but hey, the main theme of Shadowlands: the Jailer was behind eeeeeevrything and eeeeeveryone
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