After SOD, when the dust settles

When SEASON of discovery comes to an end in which case the trial and testing will be over,

Just give us a plain and simple vanilla > tbc > wrath server,

nothing special, let us kill rag normally, let us become real dragon slayers, let us enter the tunnels of AQ normally, let us fight the undead of naxx,

then let us venture through the dark portal, and listen to the music of KARA once again, fight our way through waves of demons until we reach BT,

i could go on.


Been there done that. Need something to spice it up a bit


i would like a small change here.

rather than increasing the level to 70. Dont, keep the level to 60 and then open up the dark portal. make hellfire into lvl 50, zangar to 52 and so on.

Add content horizontally, not vertically. This would keep old content relative.


You could literally go kill rag normally right now.

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Seems like you just hate retri paladins.

Hopefully we never go back to the useless type of classic

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No. After SoD there needs to be Classic plus.


Okay but how are you going to make new content attractive to players? If you don’t have better items dropping, why would a player in full AQ/Naxx Gear ever aspire to go into Outland raids?

meta is set caster do 1/3 of warrior rogg dps thats the meta.

just go on a private server

Yup. All good ideas in, all bad out. Add new raids, dungeons and events, lets go.

what exactly all needed and need is wotlk plus. like sod but with infinite content at lv 80. new skills, raids and things to do

Same way how ESO does it. have different sets and items. Enable different playstyles. some items from MC are valuable, some from kara are valuable. mix and match.

Everything doesnt have to be better and better.

Because it is fun to play the game and you want to play it.
If the only way to get players to play the game is a carrot on a stick then the game isn’t fun to play.
this would offer you multiple ways of gearing as well as you could do 1st tier raid in Outland, move on to do a 2nd tier raid in Northrend then go back to Kalimdor/EK to do a 3rd tier raid.


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this one gets it.

WoW isn’t a horizontal progression game and never will be. It simply isn’t designed in such a manner.

There already is WotLK+, it’s called Cataclysm and it releases in a month.

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cata changes too much. people want old azzerroth because of nostalgia and cutiness